< Synecdoche, New York

Synecdoche, New York/YMMV

  • Epileptic Trees: The film opens itself up to this readily. One of the most popular ones is that it's an example of Dead All Along.
  • Funny Moments: "Fuck everybody. Amen." (also a Moment of Awesome)
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In the opening of the film Caden reads a newspaper article and thinks Harold Pinter's died, then reads it again and notices he's actually won a nobel prize. This is a reference to a flub made by the reader on Sky News. Pinter then died for real less than two months after the film opened.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Caden is not particularly likeable, being a solipsistic, morbid, arrogant character. And yet despite his unlikeability, the audience can't help but feel some measure of sympathy for the misery that is his life.
  • Tear Jerker: The bedside goodbye to a dying character, doubles as Funny Moment, simply because the ludicrous amounts of schadenfreude that Kaufman throws at Caden.
    • This is far from the only Tear Jerker scene, though.
      • The end had this troper in tears despite not having a single clue what just happened.
    • Millicent's monologue about the daughter she promised her mother she'd have, but never did.
  • True Art Is Angsty
  • True Art Is Incomprehensible
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