Swing Kids

"You think that just because you're not doing it yourself, you're not a part of it? Well, I'm sick and tired of doing my part."

Swing Kids is a 1993 movie set in Germany as Nazism is slowly growing. Most kids and teenagers are part of the Hitler Jugend. Some of those who aren't are "swing kids". Swing kids love British fashion, American dances and most of all, swing. Peter Müller is a swing kid with a passion for it. He and his friends, Thomas and Arvid, try to avoid Nazism and H.J., but after Peter is caught stealing a radio he is forced to join, and Thomas joins with him for moral support, but Arvid won't hear of it and stays true to his resolve. While at first Peter and Thomas live by the motto that they're "HJ by day, swing kids by night," they slowly begin to get brainwashed, and they're forced to question everything they have and do believe, and must ultimately decide where their loyalties lie.

Tropes used in Swing Kids include:
  • Affably Evil: Herr Knopp is rather charismatic and manages to persuade Peter into joining the H.J.
    • He doesn't exactly "persuade" him, per se. Once Peter gets caught stealing the radio, it's that or go to a work camp.
  • Arc Words: "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got the swing..."
  • Central Theme: How far can one go when standing up for what's right?
  • Driven to Suicide: Arvid kills himself rather than passively partaking in the murders the nazis are commiting.
  • Fingore: A H.J. crushes Arvid's fingers.
  • Parental Abandonment: Peter's father was killed by the nazis.
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