Swamp Thing (film)
Not long ago, in the unexplored reaches of an unmapped swamp, the creative genius of one man collided with another's evil dream and a monster was born. Too powerful to be destroyed, too intelligent to be captured, this thing still pursues its savage dream.
—Opening text
Swamp Thing is a 1982 film directed by Wes Craven, based on the DC comics character.
The film centers around Dr. Alec Holland, who studying a formula that could possibly grow plants anywhere, and Alice Cable, a Washington agent who is sent to look after the research in the middle of a swamp. During an attack on the facility orchesrated by Anton Arcane, who seeks the formula for himself, Holland is dosed with his bio-restorative formula and is turned into the eponymous being. Now Alec must protect Alice as Arcane's men hunt them.
In 1989 it was followed by a campy sequel The Return of Swamp Thing.
- Action Girl: Alice.
- Alliterative Name: Anton Arcane.
- Always with You: Swamp Thing's parting words to Alice in the end.
- An Arm and a Leg: Ferret manages cut off Swamp Thing's hand with a machete.
- Between My Legs: Shown when Swamp Thing creeps up on Bruno.
- Big Fancy House: Arcane's mansion.
- Car Fu: Ferret and the other mooks attempt to run Swamp Thing down with their Jeep, but are stopped dead on their tracks by his strenght.
- Chekhov's Gun: The small propane tank in the command center.
- Drop What You Are Doing: When Arcane's assistant Karen sees the early stages of his transformation, she drops the tray she's holding.
- Every Car Is a Pinto: Two boats explode when they crash.
- Fanservice Extra: Some of Aracne's visitors in his mansion.
- Groin Attack: Alice knees Ferret to the groin when he tries to pull the moves on her.
- Halfhearted Henchman: Bruno, who shows remorse for his participation in the mooks' misdeeds.
- Healing Hands: Swamp Thing has this power.
- Hired Guns: Arcane's mooks.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Swamp Thing defeats Arcane with his own sword.
- I Like Swords: After he is transformed into a monster, Arcane grabs a sword.
- Idiosyncratic Wipes
- Latex Perfection: Arcane's disguise as Ritter.
- Machete Mayhem: After Alice escapes from Arcane's boat, Ferret swims after her and starts chasing her with a machete.
- Malaproper: Bruno wonders if Swamp Thing is "one of those Abdominal Snowmen".
- Man On Fire: Alec after he is accidentally doused with his mixture.
- Mook Lieutenant: Ferret.
- Murder by Mistake: While searching for Swamp Thing, the mook Tyrone calls out to Ferret and others and is accidentally shot by Danny.
- Not in Kansas Anymore: Said by Alice when she arrives to the swamp.
- One-Winged Angel: Arcane turns into a hideous monster when he tries Holland's mixture himself.
- Outdoor Bath Peeping: Alec peeps on Alice as she bathes.
- Painful Transformation: Bruno's transformation into the pig creature.
- Planimal: Alec's work is based on a combined cell of an animal an a plant.
- The Power of the Sun: Swamp Thing manages to regrow his arm and break his bonds thanks to sunlight.
- Redemption Equals Life: Bruno (mutated into a piglike midget) helps Swamp Thing escape Arcane's dungeon and briefly distracts the mutated Arcane for him, and manages to survive the story, albeit still mutated into a pig-midget.
- Save the Day Turn Away
- Shirtless Scene: Provided by Arcane.
- Signature Style: Harry Manfredini did the score for the film, so don't weirded out if Ferret chasing after Alice machete in hand reminds you of something else.
- Stock Scream: One of the mooks lets out a Wilhelm scream when Swamp Thing throws him off a boat.
- Sword Plant: After defeating Arcane, Swamp Thing plants his sword next to him.
- Tagalong Kid: Jude, the gas station kid.
- Touch of the Monster: Used on the posters and video releases.
- Voice Changeling: Arcane is capable of imitating other people's voices.
- Wicked Cultured: Arcane, who even recites Nietzche to Alec before he is caught on fire.