Superman/Batman: Apocalypse/Heartwarming

Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming

  • After the day she's had when Superman comforts Kara in her own native tongue and she hugs him straight away, you can pretty much hear the "dawwww" worldwide.
  • Maybe it's just me, but when Superman told Kara that the whole thing wasn't her fault, and how Darkseid and his people do everything to harm and break a spirit-controlling them, (hypotists, brainwashing, sadists-flat out torture, etc.)...something in me couldn't HELP but remember the finale of Superman: The Animated Series (which Tim Daly of course as you all know-orginally voiced Superman in) where Darkseid did basically the same thing to Superman...brainwash and control him, doing things he'd never want to ever even DREAM of doing-turning him on his loved ones-fighting someone who is family-his cousin (ironically in the STAS it was also Superman vs Supergirl-but the roles were reversed), scorned and mocked him, tortured and nearly killed him. All things that basically happened to Supergirl in this movie. But even though this is a different universe, I couldn't help but feel, more emotion behind that line (whether it was intentional or not) from Tim Daly, maybe because thinking back to Superman TAS, when speaking that line. Because I could literally FEEL the "understanding" from his comforting words to his cousin. And just thinking that alone, made that scene even more heartwarming for me. While not in the same universe-Superman in one universe knows exactly what poor Supergirl from this universe has endured and gone through.
  • YMMV, but Wonder Woman and Supergirl hugging and saying their goodbyes, combined with Wonder Woman basically calling Supergirl a little sister and telling her "You'll always have a home here.", touched this troper.
  • Superman bringing Kara to his family's farm (before Darkseid bursts in and ruins the moment), basically telling her that she can live there, and maybe consider it home-if she wants too basically...Supergirl, during the course of the movie, felt that everybody kept making decisions for her-and she doesn't get a say, not only that, she never truly felt like she belonged anywhere-the only family she's ever known is dead. And Clark is now the only family she has, but while she latched onto the only living family member she had left-she still felt like the type of world-the type of life...he has and lives-is one she doesn't fit or belong in. But the moment they are in the front yard of Clark's old home in quiet and ordinary Smallville...Kara looks down and sees a little family of a mother hen and her chicks walk on by past them...she smiles, thinking she can truly find a home here-and consider Earth her new home and family-with Clark and his adoptive family...commenting, "I think I'm gonna like it here." Daw!
  • Supergirl remembering her mother's name, telling it to Batman. Batman gives one of the few rare smiles you'll ever see out of mister grim bat boy. It's even more touching on a deeper level when you realize this, we all know about Batman's past-and the death of his parents...he was very distrusting of Supergirl at first, asking her if she even remember's her mother's name. Given on how the death of Bruce's parent's obviously affected him...the idea that someone can't remember the name of their own mother or father-who died right before their very eyes, would OBVIOUSLY bother someone like Bruce-who never EVER let's himself forget that moment or the memory of his parents. So telling Batman the name of her deceased mother-was not only a CMOH for Kara's character, and heck even Bruce's, on a surface level...but a deeper one too. Kara and Batman at that point have TRULY connected and come to an understanding of each other. Awwww! ^_^
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