< Superfriends


  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: No, not for anything in the show. DC Comics hired Jack Kirby to redesign his characters, leading to an unprecedented deal where he finally got royalties for his characters, as well as publishing the last major Kirby comics work in the "Super Powers" comics.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Say what you want about the series: badly animated? Maybe. Bad voice acting? Maybe. Plots that were so thin as to be anorexic? Maybe. But the theme song... man, the theme song was epic!
    • The opening theme of Challenge of the Superfriends ending with the Superfriends and the Legion of Doom running towards each other
      • this remix ramps up the awesomeness even further
  • Growing the Beard: Started to by replacing Wendy and Marvin with the Wonder Twins and by having more serious stories. Grew the full beard with Challenge of the Superfriends.
    • Did it again towards the end with the additions of Firestorm, Cyborg, and Darkseid, making a rare Long Runner whose final season is widely regarded as one of its best.
  • Ink Stain Adaptation: Aquaman... poor, poor Aquaman...
  • Memetic Mutation: "Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice!" and the scene-switching "whooshing" sound.
  • Never Live It Down: Oh poor Aquaman!
  • Seasonal Rot: Inverted in that the various incarnations of this series got artistically better with each one. For instance, for all the snickering about the Wonder Twins, at least they could meaningfully contribute to the fights with their superpowers, which is more than Wendy and Marvin could ever manage.
  • So Bad It's Good
  • Tear Jerker: In the "Galactic Guardians" series, there's "The Fear". Holy shit, "The Fear". It's not the first animated rendition of Batman's backstory for anything.
    • "The Death of Superman" is a very powerful episode. The fact that Superman died, the characters seriously mourn the loss of their friend, and the entire world dealing with the lack of Superman all happened in a Super Friends episode is still quite the shock to first time watchers.
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