< Super Smash Bros.

Super Smash Bros./Awesome

The Original

  • Kirby fighting an army of Luigis to the This Is Sparta Remix at an insanely high speed:
    • Not to bring down the buzz, but he's on practice mode. His 0% damage ain't quite so impressive then.
      • Actually, the practice mode was probably only used to keep Luigi idle for the scene. Practice mode does not offer stocks, and in the video, each character has 5 lives (This troper went and checked on his N64). Also, the 0% damage is probably due to a cheat; however, since Kirby died more than once, it just means the damage wasn't shown, not that he wasn't affected.
  • The Falcon Punch Kirby Mix, which would eventually spawned a whole bunch of Gourmet Race remixes all over Youtube and Nico Nico Douga, deserves a spot on this list.
  • From Japan, there's this epic montage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D 1 Qw 39 pj-Pg
  • The announcer. Just... the announcer. Forget the fact that Melees was nothing but silly Narm, and Brawls was very unenergetic. Possibly the coolest thing ever is just listening to him scream, "SUPER! SMAAAAAAAAASH BROTHERS!"

Super Smash Bros. Melee

  • Giga Bowser at the end of Adventure mode. It looks like you've just beaten the final opponent in the Adventure, when all of a sudden, Bowser returns from the pit and transforms into an evil demon version of himself. And if you think that's already epic, take a look at this unbelievable Giga Bowser KO.
  • Two words: Wombo Combo
  • The intro movie to Melee. The whole damn thing. From the Mario trophy coming to life with the help of electricity and a wailing choir, to one of the best Title Screams in video games.
    • The very fitting title for that movie would be Your Whole Childhood Summed In One Epic Video.

Subspace Emissary

  • The scene "The Great Invasion" in the "Subspace Emissary", where the Halberd goes up against Ganondorf and Bowser's battleship. The Halberd gets destroyed by only a few shots (yes, that's right, the friggin Halberd gets thoroughly pwned), only to have Samus's gunship, the Falcon Flyer, Fox's Arwing, and even Olimar's little rocket fly out of the blast, right into the teeth of Ganondorf's guns, weaving through and around Roboteching lasers bigger than they are... and it's all a distraction, to allow Kirby to get close enough on the Dragoon to take the ship down in one hit.
    • See it here, in all its massive awesomeness.
    • Kirby-wise, let's also not forget the fact that he saved Link, Zelda, Peach, Yoshi, Meta Knight, Ice Climbers, R.O.B, Snake, and Wario SINGLEHANDEDLY from the trophification.
    • Not to mention the battleship itself, which looks like a star destroyer that Took a Level in Badass. Ganondorf and Bowser. Commanding a star destroyer. Which they blew up a floating island to even use.
    • This Troper creamed himself when the Dragoon sliced cleanly through the Subspace Cannon. Having Played Kirby Air Ride, where the Dragoon was first featured, seeing that craft in all its beauty and power was incredible.
    • The first thing that came out my friend's mouth when he saw that scene for the first time? "Screw Avatar, that was the most beautiful fucking thing I've ever seen." I'm not about to disagree with him.
    • I was about to say "seconded" but then I realized... the correct word was sixthed.
  • Most of the cast in the Subspace Emissary gets at least one moment. Case in point, R.O.B., in his intro scene "Ganondorf Takes Command" (the one where it first lists his name), spends a solid minute on fire, looking perhaps a little sad at worst, then proceeds to blast several flying mooks out of the air with consecutive eye-laser blasts before shaking off the fire. Did I remember to mention that he spent the better portion of the scene on fire? Because he did. And it was awesome.
    • Forget all that. King Dedede is the hero of the entire goddamn story.
      • There was no one real hero; everyone did their fair share, and the ending essentially proved that all the way through by the way it was played.
  • Don't forget Sonic's unexpected appearance. I spent most of the game waiting for him to show up, and then was totally blindsided when he stopped Tabuu from turning everyone back into trophies in the "The Final Battle" scene. Too bad that was a case of Gameplay and Story Segregation.
    • It seems both ironic AND fitting that the fastest character in the game would be the LAST guy to show up.
  • Ness when fighting off Wario in the "Lucas Leaves Ness" scene. Not only does he evade every shot targeting him, but when Wario shoots at the crybaby Lucas, NESS TAKES THE HIT FOR HIM. Talk about a noble sacrifice. This turns out to pay off later when King Dedede's badges restore him and Luigi because King Dedede had put the badges on the two of them, as they restore King Dedede right away, and the trio proceed to find and restore about half of everybody hit by Tabuu's earlier attack. Oh, and just look at his expressions, such as when he's looking at a restored Dedede. Heck, the only reason why you'd expect somebody with a baby face like Ness's to pull this off is because of examples like Kirby as indicated above.
    • This is also a crowning moment of awesome - for Wario, who never before has been genuinely sinister and frightening.
    • Hell, Ness destroying the Pig King statue with one PK Flash hit in the "Ness and Porky Face Off" scene certainly counts -- especially since in Mother 3, it has one hundred million hit points and can't be destroyed without a certain weapon. Totally win.
      • Believe it or not, PK Flash can kill that statue in one hit in Mother 3, because that boss is susceptible to the side effects of PK Flash, including a one-hit kill.
      • I'm convinced that was a Shout-Out to how infamously broken Ness was in the original Super Smash Bros..
  • Probably not as awesome as some of the finer moments, but in the "The Destiny of Ridley & Samus" scene, Samus's eternal nemesis Ridley spends a good minute fucking Samus up -- half of that being grinding her, suit and all, against a wall. He would have kept it up until Samus was a goner had Pikachu not interfered. Yes, Pikachu, causing real damage to someone who regularly fights toe-to-toe with Samus Fuckin' Aran.
    • Type advantage. Ridley is Flying.
    • Yeah. If he was Steel, wait that doesn't help at all, does it?
      • Ridley could be considered Dragon-type as well. Flying-type only makes it become x1 Damage.
  • This troper liked "Sheik and the Fallen Arwing", the princess's scene. Fox is strafing the Halberd, but might have caught Peach in the crossfire. Zelda (in her Sheik persona) doesn't like that, so she leaps up onto Fox's Arwing and spearhands through the canopy. The two drop to the deck and start fighting -- but Peach, unhurt, promptly ends the fight by offering Fox a cup of tea. Fox is confused for a moment, then looks back at Sheik, who already has a cup. Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny
    • Not to mention Peach calmly walking on the Halberd's deck as explosions go off behind her.
  • Several characters, like Fox ("Fox Confronts RAYQUAZA"), Falco ("Falco Appears"), and Falcon ("The Two Captains") had awesome entrances.
  • The cutscene introducing Olimar and Captain Falcon is a hilarious example. We start with a shot of the Pikmin swarming a giant-size ROB, who promptly spins its arms and sends them flying off (and killing about two-thirds of them), causing the tiny-by-comparison Olimar to step back. But then a red Pikmin points at something in the distance, Olimar looks back, and, with the Mute City theme blaring in the background, Captain Falcon zooms out of nowhere in the Blue Falcon, ejects forward from the seat at several miles an hour, delivers a FALCON PUNCH to the R.O.B.'s head that sends it flying off into the distance, and then does a cool pose as he lands and powerskids to a stop.....straight through the rest of Olimar's Pikmin, killing them all. The music abruptly stops, and Olimar gives him a blank stare.
  • While not as awesome as some of the above, Snake's instant unexpected ownage of the Game & Watches on the Halberd in "The Ones in the Bridge" was pretty cool. Plus, Dedede in his first appearance, "King Dedede Steals Peach/King Dedede Steals Zelda", 1-hit surprise KO'ing Luigi and going on to use his Waddle Dees to steal Wario's ride and his trophies.
    • On the subject of Dedede, who can forget when Bowser attacks him and gets knocked out. Dedede revives him and Bowser steps up to fight him again, and Dedede just pimp-slaps him in the face. (Scenes: "King Dedede Vs. King Bowser" and "The True Enemy Is Right There").
  • Mario gets one if you choose to save Peach: Once he sees her trophy disappearing at the hands of Link later in the game, he charges right at him. Link avoids being punched into the ground! If you save Zelda the whole scenario is reversed; it's Link who charges at Mario, who then avoids becoming a plumber-kebab. (Scene: "Mario's Misunderstanding/Link's Misunderstanding")
  • There is also their Big Damn Heroes later, when Mario, Link, Pit, Yoshi and Kirby get their Ass Kicking Poses, and jump in a Yeah! Shot to fight the Primids attacking Lucas, PT, Marth, and Ike. (Scene: "The Five Warriors")
    • It's unfortunate that the Yeah Shot gets cut off later when re-viewing the scenes.
  • It's a sad day when one of the best scenes fails to be mentioned. The Ancient Minister has been dropping Subspace Bombs left and right, easily escaping every single foe that tries to stop him (even the ones that fly!), avoiding even Marth and Meta Knight's attacks... when all of a sudden Ragnell spins into frame, shortly followed by Ike, and he slices through the Minister's bomb-carrying arm with his Aether move, sending the enemy spinning into the distance and rendering the bomb useless. Bonus points go to the badass pose the three go into afterwards, as well as the Ancient Minister's dawning look of realization (read: "Oh shit" look) as he notices the sword come up behind him. See it here (Scene: "Ike Unleashes Aether")
    • Just to add to the awesome, this is the only time anyone successfully prevents a subspace bomb from being deployed. The team of Ike with MK and Marth running interference is just that awesome.
  • Mario and Link get one in one stage where they charge at a pair of R.O.B.s about to detonate a subspace bomb, while dodging a steady stream of lasers. The two most iconic. Nintendo. Characters. Ever. Mario. And. Link. On a team. Dodging lasers. Badass. (Scene: "The R.O.B. Army Rallies")
  • Lucas growing a pair and fighting Wario. (Scene: "The Wario and Lucas Rematch")
    • Also, Lucas when he and Pokemon Trainer were picked up by Galleom and flown into the sky, rather than being caught in Galleom's explosion, Lucas blew off Galleom's arm, freeing himself and the PT. What made it awesome was that Lucas knew full well that they were screwed either way, but still tried to protect the unconscious PT from impact, and Meta Knight caught them in midair for the win. (Scene: "Galleom Self-Destructs")
  • Hell, even Olimar manages a CMOA, when we see Fox's Arwing, Samus's Gunship, Kirby on the Dragoon, and Falcon's Blue Falcon, and Olimar's 50's style rocket, the S.S. Dolphin is keeping up with them, even while shuddering in mid-air and making cartoon 'Put-Put' noises.
    • Actually, the Dolphin is a fairly decent ship; the piece of crap he's piloting there is the company's ship from Pikmin 2. The Dolphin was sadly pawned off by Olimar's boss as collateral for a company loan. Which, of course, serves to highlight Olimar's skills as a pilot in this case, and only strengthens your original point.
      • To further emphasize this, a bit of Fridge Brilliance. There were upwards of 30 characters entering Subspace, and none of the ships, save MAYBE the Blue Falcon, seem able to accommodate too many passengers. Olimar had to carry loads of treasure in that ship during Pikmin 2. Olimar was carrying almost the entire team whilst performing tricks able to keep up with the aforementioned ships in the piece of junk mentioned above.
  • When Diddy and Donkey make their first appearance. One of Bowser's minions fires a pair of Bullet Bills at Donkey, Diddy rushes out of the forest, jumps off of Donkey's back, and then goes into Bullet Time and fires two Peanut Popguns at the Bullet Bills *pak* *pak*. Then, he shoots one more shot at a third Bullet Bill, and lands next to Donkey. They both do an Asskicking Pose as the Bullet Bill lands behind them and EXPLODES. (Scene: "Donkey Kong & Diddy Kong")
  • The scenes where after cornering the supposed leader of the subspace army, Ganondorf pops out of nowhere as a hologram and presses a button which makes all the ROBs turn on the subspace bombs; it's the first time Ganondorf directly interferes with the heroes, and it is very evil. (Scene: "Ganondorf Takes Command")
  • Another one for Ganondorf... After seeing the creator of the world being effortlessly manipulated into doing another being's dirty work, what does Ganondorf do? He jumps and try's to whup Tabuu's Tron-inspired ass. Too bad he fails. (Scene: "The Crushing, Ruinous Defeat")
  • And because nobody else has directly said anything about it, Ness and Luigi being revived from the their trophy state and immediately reviving Dedede once they saw the badges on them. This was a CMOA because, dude, Dedede's plan worked, and if it wasn't for those three (and Kirby), everybody would be screwed. (Scene: "King Dedede's Timed Badges")
  • Why hasn't Lucario finding Snake hiding in his box been mentioned here yet? It just goes to show you that Lucario is smarter than Metal Gear bad guys. See video here. (Scene: "LUCARIO Discovers Snake")
    • In fairness, most Metal Gear bad guys can't sense Aura.
  • This Trailer for the Subspace Emissary, set to the This Is Sparta Remix. Also this one, set to the 300 trailer audio.
  • How about Power Suit Samus's entry? Seen here, one doesn't need an explanation for why it is Samus's CMOA. She's staring in awe at her suit, when a mass of R.O.B.s flood in from the hallway. The shot cuts to the hallway, where the R.O.B.'s are consumed by an explosion as Samus puts on her suit and with one missile blast destroys at least 10 R.O.B.s, and she walks out of the smoke. This troper counted the seconds; two. Samus puts on her suit and destroys 10 R.O.B.s in two seconds. (Scene: "Samus Revived")
  • Fox meeting Diddy, hurting Rayquaza as easily as if he was swatting a fly when he pulls out his reflector, causing Rayquaza's energy blast to rebound on itself. (Scene: "Fox Confronts RAYQUAZA")
  • Surely Luigi venturing into Subspace to save the others must count? When we first see him, he's terrified of a harmless little Waddle Dee, and now he's willing to go through Subspace to save his pals? This Troper certainly thinks he grew a pair between these two events.
  • How did we go this long without mentioning the ending? After Tabuu is defeated, the world returns to normal, all except for the floating island the ROBs came from: all that remains of it is a small ball of light. After that, the opening theme for Brawl plays, complete with the Latin lyrics and their English translations. It doesn't quite become a CMOA until about halfway through the song, when we see all the heroes who escaped Subspace standing together on a cliff, looking out at the light where the ROB's island once stood. Seeing all the heroes standing together was a powerful image: many of them were enemies with one another, some were from completely different origins altogether, but all of them made a stand together to save the world from utter destruction. For this troper, this makes the ending of the game THE Crowning Moment of Awesome of the Subspace Emissary. See it here.
  • Mario leading the entire Smash Cast to face Tabuu was real amazing for me. Sure, they all get defeated by Tabuu's Off-Wings, but still... it was just amazing! Mario is THE leader of all Nintendo, and to see him leading the Smash crew into battle, and going "hm!" with a frown when he sees Tabuu... Mario is just that amazing.


  • This Brawl Hack to let Ganondorf use his sword. It even broke Link's Heroic Mime status, causing him to talk in Leet Speak.
    • And this Hack to give him the ultimate This Is Sparta Kick, sending Sandbag on a journey across the Homerun Stadium, spanning multiple days.
    • Mewtwo joins the Brawl & kicks Shiny Charizard's ass:
      • This one puts him against a pretty convincing-looking Typhlosion.
  • Ganondorf yells This Is Sparta with predictable results against a Pikmin:
    • He also does it to Dark Link:
    • And to Mr Game & Watch:
  • When Snake answers a codec call and is greeted by Slippy, who has apparently hacked into the channel. He even goes "Snake? SNAAAAAAKE!" if you get KO'd during the conversation!
  • Outside of The Subspace Emissary, every character has a Moment of Awesome in the form of their Final Smash, which is exactly what it sounds like. See them all here, but be forewarned: overdoses of awesome are common. Viewer discretion is advised.
  • Arguably a real-life meets video game Moment of Awesome was at E3 when the Brawl Trailer was unveiled and, after having seemingly ended, was followed by a codec conversation between the Colonel and Snake and, with his theme music playing, Snake coming out from under his signature cardboard box and getting his name plastered on the screen. One of the most favored characters was revealed to be a third-party character for a game that was already Made of Awesome, and Gamers around the world suffered a Heroic BSOD because of it.
    • And what about Sonic's revelation? This troper didn't BSOD at Snake, but certainly did upon reading the name "Sonic" on Smash Bros. DOJO!!.
      • This troper thinks it would have been even more amazing if neither were mentioned at all during the development of the game, like R.O.B. and Lucario weren't. I'd estimate you would be able to hear the screams of disbelief from space.
  • A CMOA not for the characters, but for Koji Kondo, Shogo Sakai, Kazumi Totaka, Kentaro Ishizaka, et al.: never before have such wonderful melodies graced this troper's ears. Absolutely beautiful.
  • Searching for "epic Falcon Punch kills/KOs/wins/victory/etc." on YouTube will reveal a whole host of incredible, self-made CMOAs by players who have managed to pull off absolutely epic KOs with one of the slowest, most powerful moves in the game. Possibly popularized by this off-the-stage victory over Giga Bowser in Melee, or maybe the infamous Falcon Punch in the anime, but now these range from triple kills and handballs to just-as-epic off-the-stage reverse spin victories and messing with Captain Falcon's real Final Smash to get the desired result.
  • One final Crowning Moment Of Awesome goes to Hideo Kojima, who designed the Shadow Moses Island stage. During the stage, the wall in the background will occasionally collapse, revealing a Metal Gear Rex, Ray, or a pair of roaming GEKKOs. Anyone who has played through Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots should by now realize that these were not random references: Snake and Ocelot would eventually return to the island and battle each other in the Rex and the Ray respectively. It takes balls to do your Foreshadowing in someone else's game. Let alone using the very definition of purely concentrated Nintendo fanservice to advertise the PS3's killer app.
    • Does that make Kojima a Magnificent Bastard?
    • Nope, just Magnificent.
    • This Troper likes to pretend that it is in fact Snake and Ocelot doing battle in their Metal Gears at the same time as when you are in the middle of brawling. This would explain why the codec calls only work on that stage. I was actually surprised that no one in Snake's support yelled TIME PARADOX!.
      • That's because Campbell's AI was too busy ragging on Weegee to judge the state of the space-time continuum.
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