< Super Robot Wars Unlimited Generation
Super Robot Wars Unlimited Generation/YMMV
- Crack Pairing - Katina/Viral, the game's OTP.
- In fact, there's a whole page dedicated to crack pairings.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome - Too many to list. The mission logs are a good place to start.
- Crowning Moment of Funny - Generally any mission involving Disgaea. Expect plenty of Breaking the Fourth Wall.
- Patrick finds a TV series based on the characters' achievements. It's a less than accurate depiction. The thread explodes into hundreds of tags as everyone finds new ways to describe how the series' characters act disturbingly-- er, hilariously out of character.
- Crowning Music of Awesome - Music gets linked during missions when awesome things happen.
- Magnificent Bastard - Many, but the Original Generation Big Bad of Wayward Signet deserves special mention for his use of the Macht, an invisibility-cloaked Real Robot with bits that that not only shot lasers, but also made holographic versions of itself to confuse its enemies. Oh, and it had the Zero System.
- Memetic Badass - Hauswr again. Although "memetic" is arguable - he's simply only deployed once or twice.
- Arguable? Come on, the guy had a fucking CHAINSAW CLAYMORE.
- In the final accounting, he was exactly as Badass as the Memetic Mutation made him out to be.
- Memetic Mutation - "GEOMETRYYYYYYYY!!!"
- *bans Deus*
- Which turned into a motherfucking EPIC Hilarious in Hindsight moment on the first of the two final missions. See Ascended Meme.
- Oh, he's dead. He drowned. (Most often refers to Teppei Takamiya, but these days it's used for just about anyone.)
- *bans Deus*
- Tear Jerker - Any time someone had to completely leave the RP.
- That One Boss - Several, but the two most memorable are Res Rei and Quatre in Wing Zero...after being powered up by Grahf.
- Though your mileage may vary on Res Rei; this troper thought that Res Rei wasn't that bad after ENCOUNTER, which was a Hopeless Boss Fight anyway.
- Wonder why the players kept targeting the Peacock Rakshasa first in Maha Avatara Kalki missions? Its ability made it That One Boss in its first appearance, and nobody wanted to deal with that again.
- Too Cool to Live - Hauwsr. Manly Tears were shed upon his death.
- Villain Decay - What happened to Anguis in his third-to-last appearance, due to things just getting out of his hands. In a twist, his Theme Music Power-Up hinted at this, being a very angry J-Rock song as opposed to the typical chanting choruses that other Silentium had.
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