Super Fuzz
Italian made low budget Superhero comedy about a police officer who gets hit with an atomic blast, and then discovers he has super powers. Ernest Borgnine is his partner. Better than it sounds, and much more fun to boot.
Tropes used in Super Fuzz include:
- Barrier-Busting Blow: At one point, the titular officer punches two criminals through a door. To be fair, the door was about a quarter inch thick and made of balsa wood.
- Bullet Catch: In his teeth. Real original.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: "We should probably call an ambulance for him..."
- Digging to China
- Heroes Prefer Redheads: Not in this case, but his Love Interest gets the last word by dying her hair red before their wedding so she won't have to put up with his superpowers at home.
- How We Got Here
- Ear Worm: That cheesy disco-esque theme song gets pretty incessant at times...
- Market-Based Title: In the actual movie, the title is Super Snooper, but the packaging calls it Super Fuzz.
- Mundane Utility: Dave uses his powers to do the housework. His fiancee is not impressed.
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Terence Hill's Italian accent is very obvious in some scenes. Like, he sounds like Tommy Wiseau at times.
- Oh Crap: The protagonist is about to be electrocuted when he sees the Femme Fatale has left a bouquet of red roses in the witness room.
- So Bad It's Good: Along with the below, gets used for comedy.
- Special Effects Failure: Invoked for comedy. It gets pretty funny at times.
- Supercop
- The Man They Couldn't Hang: Dave has already been electrocuted three times for allegedly killing his partner.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Seeing the color red turns off the hero's powers.
- We Need a Distraction: Promising not to use his superpowers, Dave gives a pair of mooks an extended drunk-driving test, leaving them more uncoordinated then if they were actually drinking.
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