Super Freakin' Parody Rangers
Super Freakin' Parody Rangers, also known as Go! Go! Parody Rangers! or Parody Rangers for short, is a Web Animation series and Affectionate Parody of the long-running Power Rangers series, created and animated by Chris "Kirbopher" Niosi of TV Tome Adventures fame. It serves to deconstruct and make fun of the absurdities the series is infamous among longtime fans for, particularly rehashed plot devices, continuity errors, and the gratuitous amount of merchandise that comes with it.
The series consists of three flash animated episodes, the first two parodying Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the third based on Power Rangers in Space. A feature-length video spoofing Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie was made using hand drawn animation, and is broken down into three smaller segments (the first being divided into another three, even shorter segments). A Spin-Off was also made as a tie-in to the film.
Featured in the series are cameos from professional voice actors including Mike Pollock (Dr. Eggman in Sonic the Hedgehog), Kevin M. Connolly (Kain Fuery in Fullmetal Alchemist) and Kyle Hebert (the narrator in the original Power Rangers series).
The series can be viewed here.
- A Party - Also Known as an Orgy
- Actor Allusion: Each one of the original Power Rangers in the first episode is a spoof on the ones from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. In addition, Willy being replaced in the cast roster and returning as a technical supervisor mirrors what happened to David Yost, who portrayed the original Blue Ranger.
- All Just a Dream: The spin-off.
- Anticlimax: The endings for the third episode and the movie.
- Art Evolution: The quality of the first three episodes gradually improves with each one, and jumps considerably into fluidic hand-drawn animation for the movie.
- Body Horror: Evan Splooge's nose doubles as his penis. Meat's arms and head move in ways they normally shouldn't, even in comparison to the other characters. Flyguy's neck is not unlike an owl's.
- Camp Gay: Billiam.
- Catgirl: Nekoneko.
- Chinese Zodiac: The original motif for the Power Rangers in the series. Doesn't cover every symbol, of course, considering the limited number of members. Lampshaded by Chan:
Shouldn't there be twelve of us?
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The Power Rangers themselves embody this trope.
- The Green Ranger is something of a reverse version of this trope in that he's a crouching badass, hidden moron...when you learn who he really is.
- Deus Sex Machina: As Dulcy puts it, "the part of The Movie people are going to be watching over and over."
- Earthshattering Kaboom: The end of the second episode. Fixed at the end of the third.
- Emo Teen: One of these was chosen by Alpha as a candidate for a Power Ranger. The current team also went through this phase (very briefly) after losing to the Green Ranger.
- Expy: Villains Lord Zet and Nekoneko are based on Zetto and Ruri from Kirbopher's earlier series, TV Tome Adventures. Well, their designs are certainly based on them, at least, but Zetto and Ruri were nothing like them in terms of personality.
- Eye Scream: Played for laughs, of course. Meat's reaction to the new Zords (which are British train engines) is for his eyes to permanently fall out of their sockets.
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Meat (Red Ranger/Red Space Ranger)
- The Lancer/TheSmartGuy: Willy (Blue Ranger I/Green Ranger II/White Ranger II)
- Kid Appeal Character: Chan (Yellow Ranger/Yellow Space Ranger)
- The Big Guy: Mace (Black Ranger/Green Space Ranger)
- The Chick: Pinky (Pink Ranger/Blue Space Ranger)
- Sixth Ranger: Billiam (Blue Ranger II/Pink Space Ranger)
- Gag Boobs: Pinky's weapon. More like "Gag Bra".
- Genre Savvy: Everyone.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Kind of pointlessly done by Billiam to defend the other Rangers against a deadly laser beam.
- Done less pointlessly by Vector by turning back time and then dying to keep Zordon from exploding.
- Improbable Weapon User: Other than Meat, who actually uses a practical weapon in the form of nunchuks, we have Willy and Billiam (megaphone), Chan (salt shaker), Mace (glow sticks), and Pinky (brass bra).
- Jumping the Shark: The third episode and the movie. Actually, it's the shark that does the jumping.
- Large Ham: Meat (appropriately enough).
- Merchandise-Driven: Deconstructed. HEAVILY.
- Monochromatic Eyes: A good number of the main characters.
- Odd Name Out: "Meet my ninja putty squad: Ling, Ping, Ching, and Frank!" [1]
- Put on a Bus: Willy (briefly) at the start of the second episode. No one takes it very well.
- Recruit Teenagers with Attitude: The plot of half of the first episode. It is based on the Trope Namer, after all.
- Reset Button: The revelation of Pinky's real name (Doodle) in the third episode sends the Power Rangers back into the past to the point just before where the second ended so they can save the world.
- Series Continuity Error: Boy howdy. However, it's pretty much done on purpose.
"Do you know how many continuity errors this show has already?"
- Shout-Out: Each of the Space Ranger Zords is a recolored version of an already-existing super robot (naturally, this is lampshaded):
- Red Space Ranger Zord: A Gundam
- Blue Space Ranger Zord: An Eva
- Green Space Ranger Zord: The Big O
- Yellow Space Ranger Zord: Mazinger Z
- Pink Space Ranger Zord: Voltron
- Spin-Off: Supah Crazy-Ass Renaldo Rangers in the epilogue, which was canceled after 13 episodes for being too good.
- Too Dumb to Live: Nekoneko obviously felt this was exactly the case for Flyguy when she blasted him with a shotgun.
- Your Head Asplode: This happens to Zordon after the Green Ranger reveals himself to be Vector the Crocodile. The world asplodes with him.
- ↑ Hiiiiii Frank!