< Super Dave

Super Dave/YMMV

  • Crosses the Line Twice: Super Dave's stunts going wrong? Scary in real life, but hilarious and over the top on the show. Super Dave living through them with only Amusing Injuries and complaining about them? Even more hilarious. Another accident occurring just when he thinks he's getting help such as the Ambulance running him over? Unforgettably hilarious.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: While the show does have celebrity guests performing on stage in between, much like Bizarre, fans watch the show to see Super Dave's stunts go wrong.
  • Memetic Mutation: "Genuine Saskatchewan Sealskin Bindings."
  • Misaimed Fandom: Some fans think it's cool that Super Dave survives the stunts, even though the comedic Aesop of them is to show why you Don't Try This At Home.
  • Values Dissonance: While the show is well loved, some of the jokes border between politically incorrect to incredibly offensive. Much like his run on Bizarre before it, Super Dave often pokes fun at many stereotypes and in some cases uses racial and sexual slurs on top of his swearing. The most prominent these is Fuji's heavy use of the Engrish trope. This was later picked up on when the cartoon Super Dave: Daredevil for Hire aired, as Fuji's actor, Art Irizawa was asked to tone it down.
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