< Sunshine (film)

Sunshine (film)/YMMV

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: John Murphy outdoes himself with an absolutely beautiful main theme, and various other great tracks.
  • Decoy Protagonist: Mace
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: It's widely agreed that Chris Evans walks away with this movie.
  • Fridge Logic - In order to fulfil their mission, they must fire their bomb into the Sun. However, the heat shield that protects the payload until detonation point is also the heat shield which protects the rest of the ship. Just how was the crew ever supposed to survive?
    • A secondary, smaller convex shield can be seen behind the payload to not only protect the small ship, but act as a solar sail to propel them home.
    • Or they weren't. The well known phrase about the needs of the many comes to mind.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Never fall back.
  • Retroactive Recognition: In actual fact he's so hidden by make-up and freaky camerawork that you can't recognise him, but Mark Strong's name turning up in the closing credits has retroactively become a "Wait, what!?" moment.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: See What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic above. The detonation is a beautiful sight to behold. Also, the many shots of the Sun. Pretty much the entire film is this.
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