< Stupid Mario Brothers
Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap
Season One: Stupid Mario Begins
- Tired of the Mushroom Kingdom
- A Tale of Two Brothers
- One Ring That is Better Than a Compass
- Wario's New Partner Likes Purple
- Make Fireballs, Not Love
- Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap/S1/E06 Why Catch Them All
- A Band Better Than the Jonas Brothers!
- It Came From Ash's Toilet
- Real Jobs Suck
- A Monkey For Your Thoughts?
- Stupid Mario Kart
- Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap/S1/E12 Stupid Wario Brothers and No Snacks
- Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap/S1/E13 Special Delivery From a Guy Dressed In Brown
- The Final Countdown Until the Next Countdown
- Stupid Smash Brothers
Season Two: In The Darkness Lies The Truth
- Link's Letter is Full of Hole
- Draino Won't Unclog These Pipes
- Wario Has Another Bad Day
- Soccer Solves All of Your Problems
- Cuccos Are More Fun Than Gerudo Myths
- A Day In The Life of Mario
- Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap/S2/E07 Who Is Scott Masterson?
- How It's Done in Hyrule!
- Psychic Powers Only Tell You So Much
- And Then There Was Nox Decious
- Three Objects Make A Cool Weapon
- Is It "Kung Pow" or Stupid Mario?
- Well Excuse Me Princess
- Two Tall Thin Men Have A Fight
- The Most Epic Battle EVER
Season Three: Return of the One True Hero
- This Time, It's Personal!
- Like Hyrule, But Not
- Metal Gear Stupid
- Basketball Diaries
- Snake Vs Guard
- Remembrance
- Old Friends, New Enemies
- The Advent of Snake's Mission
- Man is Protected From What Lies Beneath
- Something Crazy This Way Comes
- Regeneration
- Blood Money
- The Zero Hour
- Blood Confrontations
- The End of the Beginning
The Movie and Continuing Specials
- The Movie Act I
- The Movie: Act II
- Operation: Blind Storm
- The Interactive Adventure
Season Four
- Death is Like a Box of Chocolates
- Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap/S4/E02 Poke Drawls
- The Case of the Stolen Junk
- A Huge Payne
- You Can't Read My Poker Face
- Poke-Suckers
- JMK Forever
- Mario Is Missing
- Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap/S4/E09 The Great Purple Hope
- Ninjas GALORE!
- Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap/S4/E11 The Trifecta
- Stupid Mario Brothers/Recap/S4/E12 The Truth About Blaire Vherestorm!
- What Would Waluigi Do?!
- Plumbers and Ninjas and Snakes OH MY!
- The Darkness Explains It All
Season Five
- Dark Dookie
- 32 bit stealth training
- Shadow Scum VS Ganon....Or Ganondorf...Whatever his name is!
- An Unexpected? Proposal
- The Business Man and The Ape
- The Return Of The Great Purple Hope
- Operation: Vherestorm
- A "Brief" Meeting
- It's Never a good time to ignore your girlfriend. EVER!
- Imported Sunflowers
- Not these Ninja's Again!
- Fantasy Wizard Bullsh*t!
- "As the Fanboy's say, Only Link can defeat Ganon"!
- The Super Mario Brothers (Grand Finale)
Other Specials and Spin-Offs
- Ash and Brock
- Stupid Mario Brothers San Francisco Adventure
- Ash and Brock 2
- Stupid Mario Brothers
- Stupid Mario Brothers Christmas
- Stupid Mario Brothers New Years
- The Interactive Halloween
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