< Strongly Worded Letter

Strongly Worded Letter/Quotes

Hans Blix: I'm sorry, but the UN must be firm with you. Let me see your whole palace, or else...
Kim Jong-il: Or erse what?
Hans Blix: Or else we will be very, very angry with you... And we will write you a letter, telling you how angry we are.

Sir Humphrey: How about a Strongly Worded Letter?
Hacker: And get an even more strongly worded letter back? Copied to all the dailies? No thanks!

On top of the oil, the spill unleashed a second wave of awful pollution: awareness. You might want to brace yourself, but adding "#bpspill" doesn't do a goddamn thing and never will. It turns out that unless you're manning an ICBM silo or are Professor X, changing the world probably requires you to at least stand up. Maybe more! Similarly ineffective is drawing the Little Mermaid covered in oil, though it makes a welcome change from the other sticky substances the Internet usually covers her in.
It turns out that BP have actual money fountains (other than the one they just used to make the Gulf of Mexico go second in chess), so we need a stronger approach than saying, "Gosh, that's awful," while being ecologically buggered with thousands of gallons of oil-lube. "Awareness" just means you're conscious while the buggering takes place. We need awareness and murderous revenge.

Luke McKinney at Cracked.com, on BP

"Quick! To the Bat-fax!"

- It’s just... Look, I just have a hard time believing you when you say your house is on fire but you’re not doing anything about it.
- What do you mean “not doing anything”? I’m circulating petitions, registering voters. I’ve got a “Fire Kills” bumper sticker on my car. I just sent a check to the campaign of the new candidate for mayor...

Fred Clark mocking modestly "panical" political activism in They don't really believe it.

I’m of two minds about this. Because slavery = bad. Slavery = very, very bad. And I have no problem starting a hashtag or talking to friends or whatever is needed in order to make sure that people are aware that slavery still exists and that it needs to be fought. It’s scary as hell how many idiots out there have no clue this is going on. Because, Beyonce! And stuff!
So with that in mind, I have no problem with the hashtag campaign. I think it’s awesome. Hell, I’ll even support it and take a sad selfie of myself doing the same if it gets people to pay the f**k attention, dammit.
What I find ridiculous is that the left does crap like this… and then that’s where it ends. For them, “awareness” is the goal. We all need to be aware that slavery exists, that these children were stolen, that very bad things are happening elsewhere in the world. We need to be aware and we need to feel really, really bad about it and we need to tell each other how really, really bad we feel, but that’s about it. Goal accomplished. Feel Bad and Awareness is the end-game. Nothing more needs to be said.
Except “check your privilege,” I guess, when it’s brought up that maybe we should be doing something about this. Not just “spreading awareness.”

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