Strong Medicine

Strong Medicine is a Lifetime television show about the staff of a medical clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Tropes used in Strong Medicine include:
  • Beta Couple: Kayla and Peter.
  • Butt Monkey - The Complainer Is Always Wrong: As he dares to be a man and in an administrative position, Dr. Bob Jackson was always given the short end.
  • Derailing Love Interests: Poor, POOR Leslie. He was a kind House Husband for several seasons, and then he starts abusing Andy for no reason at all. That's what you get for being a Nice Guy in Lifetime and NOT being called Peter, Les.
    • This inadvertently happened to many of Lu's boyfriends as well. One's a perfectly nice guy who freaks out and heads for the hills as soon as he learns she has a kid, another is a nice guy who lets his Rich Bitch ex-wife bully him into dumping her by threatening to take away his kid, etc.
  • Hospital Hottie: Just about everyone
  • Lifetime Movie of the Week: Now in TV series format!
  • Medical Drama
  • Older Than They Look: Former Teen Genius Kayla Thornton. A Running Gag is to have people amazed that someone as young-looking is a full-blown doctor.
  • Rape as Drama: Lu is raped by one of the surgeons.
    • In one of the episodes, a teenage girl needs a transplant. When no match could be found, the girl's mother tells the staff there is one possible remaining donor candidate- the girl's father, who had fathered the girl by raping her mother.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: A few plots were. The most blatant was the plot of the sixth-season premiere "New Blood": A flood of patients comes in from a train wreck from someone leaving a car on the tracks. Later, a bipolar girl in manic state comes in to tell Lu how she got over a suicidal impulse. Her method: Drive a car onto the tracks and wait for a train. She got over it...but she left the car on the tracks. This is pretty much how the 2005 Glendale train wreck happened (though the perp in real life was a man.)
  • Team Mom: Lana Hawkins the receptionist, also the Only Sane Man
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.