< Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People/Funny

The Tutorial

  • Strong Bad is demonstrating the "sucking-up", or "angel me", dialogue setting, by trying to give Bubs a compliment.

Strong Bad: Cheer up Bubs! At least you're not on fire!
Bubs: That's the best compliment you could come up with?

Homestar Ruiner

  • Strong Bad's various attempts to get into Strong Sad's room (and Strong Sad's responses), from offering Strong Sad's favorite "nasty ethnic food" ("I don't believe in favoring one food over another.") to acting like an angry step-mother ("You're not even my real mom!")
  • Strong Bad makes a prank call to Coach Z using Homestar's cell phone and frames him for putting itching powder on the coach's jock straps for the last three years. Strong Bad then hangs up and says, "Well, that should get me off the hook. But the creepy thing is, Coach Z has never actually complained about it."
  • In Teen Girl Squad, if you use the ringtone on one girl, a rat appears and asks "Dang, is that Brainkreig? I love cheese. I mean Brainkreig." Use the cell phone on the same girl and she is stampeded by rats.

Narrator: RATS LIKE METAL!! (Apparently)
Girl: Does this mean I can get outta my contract? (dies)

  • The entire part where Strong Bad needs to retrieve Homestar's criminal record from the King Of Town's Castle, which is actually a stealth mission where you have to evade the Poopsmith and Strong Mad. Thought all the possible lines when you're discovered are hilarious.

Strong Mad: *As he stomps towards Strong Bad* Footstep! Footstep! Footstep!

  • The reason why Strong Bad's no longer allowed to any of Marizpan's parties: It involves him wearing an eyepatch, claiming to be "Lord Barglebroth", demanding "All shall kneel before my style!" and jumping off the roof into a cake.
  • One word: "IRONY!!!!!!!!"

Strong Badia the Free

  • The gang has set up an effigy of the King of Town outside Strong Bad's house, consisting mainly of an old stick.

Strong Bad: Why'd you bring that ugly, misshapen stick?
Homestar: She organized the protest rally!
Strong Bad: Not Marzipan! (to himself) Though that's a pretty good one. Gotta remember that.

  • After Strong Bad gets placed under house arrest, he makes a "call to arms" to his fellow citizens gathered outside his window.

Strong Bad: Who's with me?
Strong Mad: (shakes a fist) STRONG MAD!
Coach Z: (raises a hand) Me!
Homestar: (glances at his sides, then looks annoyed) I suppose you think you're really funny!

  • From the intro to "Cave Girl Squad":

Cheerleader: Challah, cave-girls! Today's the big mammoth hunt, and you know what that means.
So-And-So: An in-depth study of the indigenous megafauna?

What's-Her-Face: Some kinda weird CG-filled cable special?

The Ugg-ly One: More parasites for my...

Cheerleader: It's boys, alright?! It's always boys!

  • This exchange, when trying to get the Homestarmy back together:

Strong Bad: I thought we were bros!
Homestar: Wait, I thought I thought we were bros, and you're always beating various stuffings out of me.

    • Later, after your failed attempt at reinstating the draft:

Homestar: Well, the draft didn't work, Strong Bad. Only one thing left to do: Clone an army of mutant super-soldiers.
Strong Bad: No, Homestar, we... {quickly taken by surprise} Wait. That was an option? How come you come up with the unbelievably cool ideas only AFTER I'm committed to this one?

  • One of the "battles" between Homestar and Coach Z in Maps & Minions:

(cut to the two in the field)
Coach Z: (to Homestar) Fair enough, I'll go. (leaves)

    • This is especially funny because it's the second battle, and after that they don't even bother with the Versus Character Splash.
  • Strong Bad's explanation for why he didn't hear about the e-mail tax.

Marzipan: Didn't you see the warning message about the new e-mail tax?
Strong Bad: {imitating Marzipan} No, I didn't see the warning message about the new e-mail tax. {speaking normally} All messages from the King of Town get intercepted with extreme prejudice by my idiot filter.
Homestar: But I sent you all kinds of reminder e-mails!
Strong Bad: Idiot filter.
Homestar: But I sent you all kinds of reminder e-mails!

Strong Bad: Idiot— nevermind.

Baddest of the Bands

  • When Strong Sad tells Strong Bad to take the broken Funmachine to Bubs, Strong Bad whines "But Bubs'll probably make me pay for it! With money!" Bubs then suddenly appears to chime in with "I also accept first-born children!"
  • Strong Sad, as a security guard, gets even with Strong Bad:

Strong Sad: I prefer to keep the peace through rational discourse... backed up by ten-thousand volts! (electrocutes Strong Bad with a taser)

  • If you talk to the Cheat after sabotaging both Cool Tapes (the band the Cheat is in) and the Two-O-Duo (the band the Cheat watches when he gets a break), you get the following exchange:

Strong Bad: What's the word, the Cheat?
The Cheat: (The Cheat noises)
Strong Bad: What's a "schadenfreude"?

Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective

  • Strong Sad as the "CGI" monster in the Catacombs. Strong Bad stops the movie to berate The Cheat for it. "Fix it in Post?! This is Post!"
  • When Dangeresque hears his long-lost father is wandering around Venice:

Dangeresque: Pack your bags, Renaldo. We're going to France- (jump cut) We're going to Italy!

  • Dadgeresque's death scene:

Dangeresque: Don't do this dad, you have to hang on! Did you ever know that you're my hero? We've only just begun! You're the wind beneath my wings! Umm... She Bop!
Dangeresque: WHY?! He was my father! It's not fair! Oh, cruel world! How could you take my only father from me! Why now?! WHY!

    • And then Senor Cardgage gets up halfway through the scene and walks off. On camera.
  • During the Professor's introduction, he throws a pair of safety scissors at the wall... and misses. Jump cut to the scissors finally embedded in the wall, and about four indentations as well.

8-Bit Is Enough

  • Homestar is stuck in Strong Bad's computer interface.

Homestar: Yay! You got the sword! Now you can slay the dragon!
Strong Bad: More importantly, I'll be able to keep you from popping up and interrupting all my future scheduled make-out sessions!
Homestar: Uh... I've got access to your online calendar in here and I don't see any scheduled make-out sessions... just pedicures and bubble baths.
Strong Bad: Yaaahhhh... that's code for "make-out session"! Just get outta here! And quit touching my stuff!

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