< Story of the Blanks

Story of the Blanks/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: The game doesn't explain much, leaving people to interpret the events of the storyline much like a Silent Hill game.
    • Though now the episode "The Cutie Pox" has provided a handy explanation for why they thought anyone with a cutie mark was bad news. They may have even seen it as a Mercy Kill.
  • Awesome Music: All of the music used in the game (of which there is a surprising amount), but especially the theme used for Sunny Town, "And So I Mourn For My Dear Ones".
  • Fanon: The game is already working it's way up, whether it be as a mention or an in-joke in another fanfic.
    • It's actually Canon in the Pony POV Series. In the Penultimate story arc, the town's inhabitants have been recruited by Princess Gaia, having their memories erased. When they deal with Princess Gaia, the curse is still in effect, with them screaming how they didn't mean to forget, how they thought it was the plague their ancestors warned them about (see below).
    • Fanon of a Fan Fic: Fear of a Cutie Pox outbreak is theorized to be the cause of Sunnytown's paranoia toward Cutie Marks.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The ponies in Sunny Town killed one of their own fillies because she got her Cutie Mark. "The Cutie Pox" gave us said disease that causes ponies to get multiple Cutie Marks, forced to perform whatever talent the marks represent against their will, and make others run in terror of being infected. Now replay the game with these in mind.
    • Not to mention the fact that one of the ponies in "The Cutie Pox" said something similar to a line from the game...

Lily: (about Applebloom) She's cursed!
Three Leaf: (about Ruby) The curse had befallen her this very night. She had the Mark! She had to go!

    • Another thing to consider: Who is the character you play as in Story of the Blanks? Applebloom, who happens to be the starring pony in "The Cutie Pox".
  • Hell Is That Noise: The looping sound effect that plays when Applebloom discovers Ruby's skeleton in the fireplace and when the Bone Fiends find Applebloom and Ruby.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The game does a fairly good job building up the unsettling revelations.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: "Hilarious" may not be quite the right word considering the creepiness, but Spike's comment at the start of Bridle Gossip:

Spike: Is it... ZOMBIES!?
Twilight: Uh, not very likely.
Spike: Not likely, but... possible?

    • Barring some aesthetic qualities, the Changelings resemble the Nightmares in several manners.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks: The biggest complaint of this game; even favorable comments frequently comment on its length.
  • Moral Event Horizon: See Call It Karma and the implications Ruby wasn't the first, or at least, not the last in Fridge Horror. The town got cursed for it after all.
  • Nightmare Retardant: Momentarily at least. While the fireplace is supposed to be the big jarring plot point of the game, to me Ruby's remains looked more like a dinosaur fossil. My initial thought, honestly, was "Oh my god they roasted a Protoceratops!" ...then it sunk in.
  • The Woobie: Ruby, whom is forced to spend eternity with the ones who murdered her. Mitta qualifies, having had the choice to protect Ruby, but chose not to, and is thus forced to serve in the punishment as well.
    • In the Pony POV Series it gets revealed at one point that Ruby could have left after death, but she stayed behind when everypony else got cursed (by Nightmare Moon, no less!) because she pitied the other ponies and refused to leave until they were all redeemed.
    • Let's not forget poor Apple Bloom herself. Poor girl had to endure some serious horrors, despite being but a wee filly.
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