Stingray Sam
Liberty Chew Chewing Tobacco presents!
Stingray Sam is a 2009 space-western/musical serial film from the same creative team behind The American Astronaut.
Stingray Sam, a lounge singer on parole on Mars, finds himself invited kidnapped by his former partner-in-crime The Quasar Kid on a mission to rescue a girl child being held by Upper Class Twit Fredward. This provides an excuse for much social satire, Non Sequitur Scene songs, and dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing!
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- Bounty Hunter: The Quasar Kid
- Bragging Theme Tune
Stingray Sam is not a hero
But he does do the things that folks don't do that need to be done
He's got a bravery inside
That won't let him run away
It will not let him run...
- But Now I Must Go: Stingray Sam has to leave the Carpenter's Daughter at the end because, well, he's a lounge singer, and folks need to be sung to.
- Cliff Hanger: Stingray Sam is produced in the form of a weekly serial.
- Cloning Blues
- Dap Greeting
- Explosive Leash
- Ho Yay: Fredward's attraction to the Quasar Kid after the latter dances at his party. Then there's that Latex Space Suit he wears.
- Incredible Shrinking Man: Mass matter compression is used to put people inside the Tiny Little Robot.
- Mister Seahorse: The rich have only been having male children (via gender-decisive drugs) in order to perpetuate their dynasties and so are in danger of dying out. Doctors Fred and Edward come up with a solution by combining their DNA to create their son, Fredward.
- Mugged for Disguise
- Must Have Olives: The Quasar Kid.
- The Narrator
And so the plot begins to thicken...but not by much.
- Nobody Poops: Averted, which is why the Corporate Mascot Rehabilitation Program failed. Turning a corporate mascot into a solitary confinement Mobile Suit is not a good idea. After a while they start to...smell.
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: The receptionist at the Intergalactic Hall of Records and Trivia.
- Offhand Backhand: When Stingray Sam swings his 'Asking Stick' at the back of the Quasar Kid's head, the latter blocks it without looking.
- One Product Planet: Every planet has only one industry or social class. The planet Durango changes from Planet of Rocket Builders to Planet of Criminals to Planet of Prison Factories.
- The Red Planet: Mars, once the entertainment capital of the galaxy, has fallen out of fashion and is now a Crapsack World.
- Running Gag: Folks plugging Liberty Chew Chewing Tobacco.
- Shout-Out to The Manchurian Candidate with the Brainwashed visitors at Fredward's party smoking "bizarre tobacco substitutes".
- Stingray Sam Has No Sense of Scale: The scientists on Planet Fredward point out that you only have to cross one galaxy to get there, not two.
- Swiss Cheese Security: No-one dares see Fredward without an appointment, so his fortress isn't even guarded.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: Jerry the Carpenter.