< Stepping Stones in the Sky
Stepping Stones in the Sky/Playing With
Basic Trope: Characters run and jump across falling debris.
- Straight: When Emperor Evulz tries to kill Alice with Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies, he's shocked to see her racing towards him across the same falling rocks he just dropped on her.
- Exaggerated: ???
- Downplayed: As a column cracks and starts to topple, Alice grabs her chance and scrambles to the top of it before it hits the ground.
- Justified: Alice has Super Speed.
- Alice, Evulz, and a load of debris have been Thrown Out the Airlock and are plummeting through the atmosphere in freefall. Weightless, Alice kicks away from one large piece of wreckage to another, working her way closer to her enemy.
- Inverted: Alice has been blown into the air by an explosion, and runs back through the shrapnel to get back down to earth.
- Subverted: Alice runs up the debris until she realise how impossible that is, at which point she starts falling.
- Double Subverted: ???
- Parodied: Alice and Bob stop running to have a brief conversation about how impossible it is that they're doing what they're doing, before deciding to just not worry about it too much.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: ???
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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