Steel Panther

Death To All But Metal...
Steel Panther is a parody Heavy Metal group, claiming to have failed to gain mainstream success during their formation in 1988. Their look is an obvious throwback to the 80's Hair Metal and Glam Rock era. The music they produce is a spoof of all that was 80's rock music from Def Leppard ballads to Guns 'N Roses hard rock. Taken up to 11. Unsurprisingly this leads to tracklists filled to the brim with sex, drugs, self deprication and asian hookers.
The group are also notable for their live performances. Frequently calling known celebs on stage to join them and proceeding to mock or try to sleep with them. Live shows often feature cover versions of classic rock songs just for the hell of it too. The persona's of each member carrys over into an entertaining live experience filled to the brim with pretend infighting, stories of sexual exploits, overly elaborate solos and of course a healthy slice of Faux Yay. It also doesnt hurt a bit that they're all actually talented musicians.
First gaining success in early 2000, the quartet played in the Sunset Strip, originally under the name "Metal Skool". The bands lineup consists of vocalist Ralph Saenz (Michael Starr), drummer Darren Leader (Stix Zadinia), bassist Travis Haley (Lexxi Foxxx) and guitarist Russ Parrish (Satchel).
- Love Rocket (2001) - Promo Single released under the name Danger Kitty.
- Hole Patrol (2003) - Originally released as Metal Shop & reissued as Metal Skool.
- Hey That's What I Call Sludge! Vol. 1 (2004) - Compilation Album.
- Feel the Steel (June 2009) - as Steel Panther.
- Affectionate Parody
- Alter Ego Acting
- Department of Redundancy Department: "Hell's On Fire".
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: All the members play up this aspect of the hair metal era. Lexxi Foxxx takes it a bit further.
- Eighties Hair
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: "Party All Day, Fuck All Night" and countless others.
- Fat Bastard / Big Eater: "Fat Girl"
- Faux Yay: The live shows and videos all have large doses of this.
- Hair Metal
- Heavy Metal
- Homage: Strangely not only of the music they grew up with but also the music they were involved with. Making it partially an Internal Homage.
- Hot for Teacher: The teacher in the "Death To All" video certainly dresses to please and thats before she throws off the glasses and rips open her top.
- I'm A Man I Can't Help It: "Community Property"
My heart belongs to you.
But my cock is community property.
- Me Love You Long Time: "Asian Hooker", complete with probably-deliberate Critical Research Failure, idenifying a geisha as a prostitute.
- Metal Scream: A couple of times per verse/chorus.
- Self-Deprecation: Considering all the members were either in an actual glam rock band or hair metal tribute band, everything they do can be considered self parody. Michael Starr frequently takes a moment during a song to mock himself for laughs. During Death To All But Metal Starr lampshades the rhyming style of the track:
Why do all my lyrics sound like Dr. Seuss?!
- Spelling Song: The title of "Gold-Digging Whore" is chanted letter-by-letter. The E, which doesn't really fit in with the rhythm, is delivered as an afterthought.
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: "Gold-Digging Whore" again, due to the band's lack of N-Word Privileges.
She's a gold-digger, she's a gold-digger
Fucking all the white guys and all the Persians
- Take That: "Death To All But Metal" spends the entire song insulting popular mainstream music and its artists. And of course MTV and the record companys.
- Title-Only Chorus: Death To All But Metal.