Starship Troopers (anime)
In 1988, the anime studio Sunrise produced a 6-episode Starship Troopers OVA, loosely based on the novel of the same name by Robert A. Heinlein.
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Tropes used in Starship Troopers (anime) include:
- Fatal Girlfriend Photo. Greg becomes victim to one, leaving Rico to deliver his note to his girlfriend upon returning to earth from training... only to find out that she has moved on since his death. Averted with Pat, whose girlfriend breaks up with him, causing him to tear up her photo in anger. Inverted with Rico himself, after Carmen gives him a photo of herself. The ship she is assigned to for a training mission is destroyed by the bugs. This is subverted when after Operation: Bughouse, it is revealed that Carmen was able to get away with an escape pod.
- Gecko Ending
- Phenotype Stereotype: Juan Rico becomes a blonde, blue-eyed Nordic European.
- Powered Armor
- Prop Recycling: Variations of the Marauder design showed up in several other series, such as MADOX-01, Bubblegum Crisis, and Dirty Pair.
- Race Lift: Rico was Filipino in the book; here he's blonde and white.
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