< Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1/Shout Out

Given that the main characters are modern-day Earthlings, Shout Outs are to be expected.

  • There are a whole lot of Simpsons references throughout the series, since it is O'Neill's favorite show. Commentary on the DVD's reveals that these were included because it is Richard Dean Anderson's favorite show in real life.
  • Carter's "It took fifteen years and three supercomputers to MacGyver a way to open the gate" line, improvised by Tapping.
  • When Senator Kinsey laughs off the Goa'uld threat as no match for the U.S. military, Daniel mockingly says "What do you suggest we do, upload a virus to their mothership?"
  • Used with glee in "1969", with plenty of Star Wars references, up to and including O'Neill introducing himself as "Luke Skywalker". (And James T. Kirk.)
  • Season Three episode "Shades of Grey". "Hello, Newman."
  • The American submarine briefly mentioned in the episode "Small Victories" as being ready to destroy the Russian sub is named USS Dallas.
  • In "Tangent", Daniel claims to be "The Great and Powerful Oz," which is only one of numerous references to The Wizard of Oz throughout the show. Later, when Daniel and Sam tell Jacob Carter that they were hoping he could "beam" Teal'c and O'Neill out of their out-of-control craft, he incredulously asks if they think he is Scotty.
    • One of the writers mentioned on the DVD featurettes that it became a Running Gag between him and another writer to see how many Wizard of Oz references they could fit into the show.
  • In the episode "2010" Carter is involved with a plan to turn Jupiter into a star, referencing Arthur C. Clarke's book 2010: Odysey Two. In the sequel "2001" Clarke and his novel is explicitly mentioned.
  • In "Wormhole X-Treme!" one of the aliens infiltrated the studio using the alias "Steve Austin."
  • "The Other Guys" contains many references to Star Trek, both overt and subtle. The characters of Coombs and Felger discuss the series, with Coombs a fan and Felger very condescending, and Khonsu has a bat'leth, a Klingon weapon, on the wall behind his throne. Khonsu is also dressed all in red and is killed soon after Coombs mentions that they are as likely to die as if they were wearing red shirts.
  • O'Neill wants to call the Prometheus the Enterprise.
  • A season seven episode was actually titled "Enemy Mine".
  • In "Avenger 2.0," Felger prominently packs a role of duct tape in his pack when he plans to go off-world with Carter. DVD audio commentary confirmed that this was reference to The Red Green Show, which starred Felger's actor.
  • In "Zero Hour," when the alien plant grows out of control Dr. Lee jokes that at least it has not eaten anybody yet; O'Neill's only response is to thank "Seymour."
  • Daniel called himself "Hans Olo" in "Prometheus Unbound".
  • In the season nine episode "Ex Deus Machina", one of the persons of interest is the CEO of the Stark Constortium.
  • In season nine's "The Scourge," Mitchell motivates a tired bureaucrat to keep marching by making up "treeferrets," a dangerous arboreal creature that can separate a mans head from his shoulders. In the Honorverse, treecats are dangerous arboreal creatures that can separate a mans head from his shoulders, and are described as actually looking like ferrets, not cats. Later, when Mitchell and Teal'c discuss what they are going to watch on movie night Teal'c explains that he was considering Old School. At the end of the episode, after defeating the horde of alien insects, Mitchell explains that they are instead going to watch Starship Troopers.
  • Vala says she became pregnant without having sex any time around when conception must have been. As she is unfamiliar with Earth culture she asks the team if they have ever heard of anything like this. The viewer and some members of the team obviously think of Jesus, but Teal'c speaks up quickest with "Darth Vader". Vala immediately asks Teal'c how that turned out, and nobody seems willing to answer. A moment later, Mitchell says he was thinking of King Arthur.
  • In "Morpheus," Vala 'studies' for her upcoming psychiatric review by researching the Earth internet. One of the questions she prepares for is from the Voight-Kampff test from Blade Runner, which is administered to see if the subject is a replicant.

"'You are in a desert. You see a tortoise that's lying on his back in the hot sun. You recognise his plight, but do nothing to help. Why?' ... Hmn. Why...? Ah: 'Because... you are also... a tortoise...'"

  • The episode "200" revolves around the production of a "Wormhole X-Treme!" movie, which was being produced even though the show had been cancelled after airing only three episodes. DVD commentary confirmed that this was a reference to Firefly and Serenity. "200" was a hurricane of Shout Outs, with entire segments dedicated to Star Trek, The Wizard of Oz and Farscape, as well as a short Gilligan's Island reference.
  • This early line from "Fail Safe":

Jack: I've seen this movie. It hits Paris.

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