< Starcrash
Like My Immortal, certain works go so far past So Bad It's Good/So Bad It's Horrible to be absolutely hilarious. Especially when experienced in large groups. A few examples:
- The fembot on Amazon planet. Actually, basically all the robots in the movie. You'd think with such nice laser technology, the robots would have basic motor control.
- In the climactic battle, the emperor launches a fleet of ships... which all happen to be the same three ships, over and over again, from different camera angles. Nothing to do but shake your head and laugh.
- Zarth Arn. Particularly his ridiculous hand-shaped Death Star... Come to that, Large Ham? So Bad It's Horrible? Red and black color motif? Hand battle ship? We found the Master!
- The costumes. Ignoring Stella, Akton's has some sort of red arrow pointing to his crotch.
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