Star Trek III: The Search For Spock/Funny

  • Mostly in the escape sequence. Considering we now know George Takei is homosexual, this is all Hilarious in Hindsight.

Sulu: Don't call me Tiny.

  • Later:

Uhura: Now, get in the closet.

    • Actually, the entire scene with "Mr. Adventure," from Uhura pulling her phaser on him and ordering him to get in the closet with the declaration "This is fantasy!" to her epic stink-eye when he comments that her career is 'winding down.'
  • Bones, upon learning that he has Spock's katra in his head: "That green-blooded son of a bitch! It's his revenge for all those arguments he lost."
    • Also, just before that, Kirk shows up and asks how many fingers he's holding up. It's the Vulcan salute.
  • Later:

Maltz: "I do not deserve to live."

Kirk: "Fine, I'll kill you later."


Maltz: "You said you would kill me."

Kirk: "I lied."

  • Scotty and the talking turbolift with the oddly non-Majel voice on the Excelsior:

Turbolift: "Level, please."
Scott: "Transporter room."
Turbolift: "Thank you."
Scott: "Up your shaft."

    • That voice? Nimoy.
    • The Epic Fail that is the Excelsior.
  • How about this exchange between Kirk and Kruge on the rapidly-disintegrating Genesis Planet:

Kirk: You fool! Look around you! The planet's destroying itself!
Kruge: Yes, exhilarating, isn't it?

  • Scotty finally lets Kirk know his secret to being a miracle worker.

Kirk: Mister Scott, do you always multiply your repair estimates by a factor of four?
Scotty: Of course, sir! How else can I keep my reputation as a miracle worker?

  • Kruge gets in one. After killing his previous gunner for destroying the Grissom, Kruge eyes his new gunner and says, slowly, with a Death Glare, "Gunner! Target engine only," then adds a dark "Understood?" as if to say, "Don't fuck this up, or ELSE." The gunner can only say, "Understood clearly". If a Klingon ever shit his pants, this was the time.
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