Star Traks
Welcome to the Star Traks Nexus...You will find no Kirks here, nor Picards, Siskos, Janeways, or other good Starfleet captains, crews, and their ships. However, you will find the rejects, the square pegs, the morons and idiots. The Star Traks stories are comedies that not only hold up Star Trek to the twisted mirror of parody in an attempt to enrage all who whole the genre dear, but poke fun at life in general...and who knows, may even have a message to convey about the silliness of real life. Well, perhaps the last is a bit farfetched.
Star Traks is an extensive parody of the Star Trek franchise containing wacky takes on the premises of the original series, The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine; there are several different authors at this point, with the original/site creator being Alan Decker and later additions including Anthony Butler, Maija Meneks, Brad Dusen, Brendan Shust and more.
There are about a dozen series in all, each utilizing the same basic premise: that the poster organizations of the Star Trek universe (Starfleet, Section 34, the Borg, etc.) have a habit of trying to isolate their strange, incompetent, or just plain inconvenient members in situations where they can't damage anything other than themselves and each other. Often they can be found manning derelict stations, piloting the starship equivalents of clunkers, or patrolling the distant backwaters of space. In the hands of Traks' capable writers, the resulting scenarios make for a series of hilarious and occasionally heartwarming tales about the oddball adventures of Starfleet's unwieldiest and unluckiest.
It can be found here. It appears to have fallen moribund at the end of 2017.
Main series by order of conception, (with misc. bonus additions, Alternate Traks, etc. written at different times):
- Star Traks/Original Traks
- Star Traks: Waystation
- Star Traks: The Vexed Generation
- Star Traks: Boldy Gone...
- Star Traks: Borgspace
- Star Traks: Banshee
- Star Traks: Silverado
- The Traks Files
In chronological order:
- Star Traks: The Origins of the Species - a ret-con of the Traks Universe(?), takes place during TOS.
23rd Century
- Star Traks - The first series, taking place during the TNG era aboard a ship known as the USS Secondprize and captained by Alexander Rydell.
- Star Traks: The Vexed Generation - Features two different ships ( The Aerostar and the Explorer ) and their respective crews. Also set around TNG.
- Star Traks: Borgspace - The rejects of the Borg
- Star Traks: Waystation - Takes place during TNG\DS 9 on another space station on the edge of Federation Space.
- Traks Files - X-Files meets Star Traks
- Star Traks: Banshee - Section 31 meets Star Traks
- Star Traks: Silverado - Star Fleet decides to recycle a 22nd century Star Ship
- Star Traks: Melting Pot - The adventures of the first totally non-human crew in Star Fleet
- Star Traks: Governor's Song - Klingon-centric series
26th Century
- Star Traks: Boldy Gone Set in 25 century, this crew has the most effective captain since Kirk and Picard, but not all the officers are compentent. Also has a sentiant ship.
- Star Traks: The Incongruous Voyages - Conn
- Alternate Universe - The Compentient Universe and the Happy Verse *shudder* Also, Alan Decker wrote an AU were Traks was merely a TV show.....
- The Captain - Inverted and Subverted.
- Fan Verse - All the main series together consist of a fanverse.
- The Parody
- Planet of Hats
- Our Vampires Are Different - Nooman
- Spin-Off - Every series; lampshaded on the Waystation homepage by referring to said series as the "inevitable spinoff"
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