< Star Crossed
Star Crossed/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Several characters could likely be seen as this, including Lord Hieronymus Darkstar, the Borg Queen, Emperor Palpatine and Gary Mitchell.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Many, but Kirk's rallying of Starfleet after the Battle of Sector 001 is perhaps the most magnificent.
- Luke Skywalker's escape from and destruction of the Orion Syndicate also scores pretty high on the list.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Robot Buddy R2-D2 (a.k.a. Artoo), to a guard at Darkstar's palace.
“And where might you be going?” he asked tersely.
Artoo whistled and beeped a long explanation that involved the guard, his mother, a randy Gammorean and duct tape.
- Evil Is Sexy: Mara thinks this of Darth Nemesis and is therefore disappointed when he is redeemed.
- Magnificent Bastard: Khan Noonien Singh pulls this off to a T. He even fools Grand Admiral Thrawn!
- Moral Event Horizon: Arguably, the Federation Shadowfleet's destruction of Remus. Darth Nemesis's retaliatory destruction of the Klingon homeworld Qo'noS, though still evil, is more acceptable because Nemesis thought that the Klingons were responsible for what happened to Remus.
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