< StarCraft


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  • In StarCraft, when you click on the Terran Academy, you hear this. I never quite figured out what it was supposed to be until a friend of mine realized that it's an Academy, full of learning. Blizzard was making a joke about how people hate school.
    • I was given a similar explanation, but the one I got had that it wasn't just any school, but a military school, with back-breaking chores and whatnot, the kind of stuff that is bound to make newcomers want to scream.
      • I always thought it was some sort of training involving falling from a great height, or else someone falling to their death on an extremely hardcore space-marine training course from hell
    • You may want to remember that the Academy is where you research the Stim Pack. Uh, those screams may not be the students...
    • Remember the majority of the the space marines are re-educated criminals. So the scream you hear may be the re-education.
  • Everyone in the Confederacy has an American accent... except Duran, who has a thick African/Middle Eastern/Indian accent. It wouldn't be a problem, especially since he's not human, except that no one ever questions it.
    • Maybe they have minorities in their military like we have in ours?
  • In Brood War, Gerard DuGalle acts like a complete idiot throughout the campaign; only the PC and Stukov make sure the mission is a success. However, remember that he only really started showing incompetence after Duran joined them, and had time to influence them. Duran, who was able to pose convincingly as a Ghost, who is most certainly not human, and likely has even greater powers then he's shown. Mind Control DuGalle as part of a massive Xanatos Gambit, anyone?

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