Stand Up for The Week

British stand up comedy show which aired on Channel 4 in Summer 2010. Hosted by Patrick Kielty, the show is performed in front of a live audience with a number of famous British comedians. The show is split into several different parts:

  • Introduction: Patrick Kielty performs a quick comedy routine on the big news of the week, typically including political news or TV.
  • Celebrity News: Jack Whitehall gives a satirical outlook on the lives of celebrities, mainly sports stars, WA Gs and musicians.
  • Sport: Kevin Bridges tells us what's going on in the world of football, cricket and rugby, his segments usually involve the World Cup.
  • The Internet: Andi Osho spends the week scouring the web for the strangest stories and the funniest virals on the net, and then mocks them heartily.
  • Rich Hall's Segment: Yankee funnyman Rich Hall's segment of the show is notable for not having any specific subjects, varying from week to week, covering things such as the universe or the environment.
  • The Chair: Patrick Kielty and a Z list celebrity share the stage as Patrick mercilessly torments them for two minutes straight, before allowing them 30 seconds to retaliate.
  • The Guest: A guest comedian gets the spotlight for the last part of the show, only attempting to make the audience laugh about anything.

Tropes used in Stand Up for The Week include:
  • Mr. Fanservice: Jack Whitehall. Kielty constantly jokes about the effect he has on women.
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