< Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon/Headscratchers

  • There are 5 portals underwater in Evening Lake. Wouldn't the water flow into the portals? Perhaps only solid objects can pass through the portals...
  • Why did the creatures in the Midnight Mountain World realms go through the exit portals? The first 3 worlds are explained as the inhabitants helping you build the next method of transportation, but there is no such to be built in Midnight Mountain so... that Just Bugs Me.
  • When Gnasty Gnorc reappeared in A Hero's Tail, why did pretty much no one bat an eyelid? This guy once turned EVERY DRAGON IN THE WORLD into crystal statues. Are they just confident that Spyro can kick his ass? Or do they think his magic power has weakened? And for that matter, what is he doing back in the first place?
    • I think there really was no reason why he was in the game, other than to give a nod to the first game in the series.
    • It's clearly explained that he was hired by the new Big Bad Red, and implied that the dragons sent him into exile. Also, he used a magical wand to turn the dragons into crystal, while in the new game he has only a large morningstar with a thunder fairy trapped inside. Then again, of course they're confident! In the first game Spyro roasted him in two hits!
  • What the hell happened to Moneybags's voice? When he first appeared, he had a posh British English accent. In A Hero's Tail, he has an... I think Indian accent. What the hell?
  • Does anyone else think we should separate the Spyro entries? There's the PS 1 games and then the PlayStation 2/Gamecube games.
    • Given the vast differences in storylines, characters, gameplay, overall style, general fan base, and the Word of God that the "Legend" series is a franchise reboot/alternate universe, it's not really such a bad idea to separate the PS 1 (or, if you must, PS 1 and first two PlayStation 2 titles) from the "Legend" series.
    • I'm pretty sure the developers intended for the Legend series to be taken as a separate entity to the original series - hence the new name.
      • They are separate series.
    • Agreed, just split them already.
  • What was with where the eggs were in Spyro: Year of the Dragon? Even if the Sorceress had just told the rhynocs, 'Put them all over all the worlds,' some of the places where the eggs were do not make sense. Like the ones at Midnight Mountain- one's under a false floor, one's on a ledge above a pool of slime, one (or maybe two) you have to glide to... if the eggs hatched before Spyro got there, how the hell were the dragons supposed to survive?
    • Well if you recall the sorceress didn't actually care whether the dragons survived or not, she just wanted to rip all their wings out and make an Immortality Potion out of them. As for the rest... Meh, videogame logic, I guess.
    • One egg in particular always made me laugh: at the start of the game one of the villains (can't remember her name) taunts you and says that they've hidden the eggs all across the worlds, and that I'll never, ever find them in a million years. She says this, whilst there is an egg sat in plain view and within easy reach right behind her.
      • A part of me is half convinced that even then a tiny part of Bianca was not convinced she wanted the plan to succeed in the first place. Her behaviour at first contains a lot of... very blatantly villianous gloating and as we later find out, she's actually quite nice and in this to save her world.
  • Why does Bentley make so much noise when he walks, but no noise when he jumps?
  • How does Bentley get to the rocket from his portal? You have to swim through the lake to get there, and we're given no indication that Bentley can swim.
    • Have we seen any indication that he can't swim, either? If I recall there isn't any water in any of Bentley's stages, so we have no way of knowing if he can swim or not - though the fact that he did make it to the rocket would indicate that he can.
  • How did Moneybags get to the Forgotten Worlds? And for that matter, you fall through a hole to get there... so what happened to the hole?
    • There's at least one portal linking Avalar to the Forgotten Worlds, in Agent 9's Lab. There's no reason to suggest why Moneybags couldn't have come through there, or that there aren't other portals - bear in mind that they can be reprogrammed to connect to different realms (the Superportal in Ripto's Rage linked to both Ripto's home world and Dragon Shores).
    • Presumably, the same way that other returning characters - such as Handel and Greta - got to the Forgotten Worlds.
  • Why don't the rebels escape earlier? Sheila could probably kick her way out (OK, it could take her a while, but she could probably do it), Sgt. Byrd could blast his way out, Bentley could club his way out, and Agent 9 could shoot his way out... and Moneybags has no weapons, so he couldn't stop them escaping.
    • Using a rocket launcher in such close proximity to yourself is not a good idea. Not to mention, Moneybags probably reinforced the cages to withstand such punishment.
    • Spyro asks Byrd the very same thing. He claims to be saving ammunition so he could get revenge on Moneybags, but his delivery makes it clear that he simply forgot.
  • In either the first or second game(Been awhile since i've played Spyro games), there's a hole inbetween a spiral staircase with Grimy Water. Only it's not lethal. Hell, it isn't even an actual liquid judging by how you can stand on it. And yet it has the same animation as the pools of death liquid seen during the rest of the level. There's nothing to be found in it, and it's not an Unwinnable-pit trap. So what IS it besides possibly a glitch?
    • A real pain in the ass for the people who took a while to work out you could actually walk on it?
    • That is in the first game at the back of the Metalhead level in the Beast Makers world. I accidentally fell in it and experienced the same confusion. Considering it does have the same texture/animation as the other liquids, it's most likely just a glitch.
  • In Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage/ Gateway to Glimmer, Zoe appears in front of you in Idol Springs and tells you how to defeat the enemies wearing metal armour. The thing is, by that time you've already passed several by, so either you've run past them since flaming didn't work, or you charged them because flaming didn't work so you already know. My point is, wouldn't it be more appropriate for Zoe to turn up when you first see the enemies?
    • To be fair, Idol Springs is likely to be the second level the player visits, and the first to feature shielded enemies - and by the time you run into Zoe's hint, you've only met a small handful of the enemies, few enough to just go back and charge through after hearing the hint.
  • In Year of the Dragon, during Hunter's gliding training lessons in the first home world, he refuses to jump down a whole because he hears running water, and explains that he hates to get wet. Yet in Ripto's Rage, and even during YOTD itself, he appears underwater, and doesn't seem bothered in the slightest...
    • If I remember correctly, he's wearing a wetsuit during those instances where he's underwater. Maybe he only wants to get wet if he's properly geared up?
  • Is Spyro twelve? Dragon eggs arrive every twelve years. These dragons appear to age normally, since the one hundred or around that age year old ones do look 100.
    • Presumably in the classic version. The new Spyro is confirmed to be twelve in the first game and fifteen in the third. Same with Cynder.
  • Why is Chief Prowlus in Dawn of the Dragon able to tie up Spyro and Cynder with the... er.. vaguely explained evil magic chain that was forged by Malefor? Ignitus and the moles say they don't recognize the design, so Malefor probably didn't pick it up from someone else. Alternate Character Interpretation, anyone?
    • He used a crystal that attracted the magic chain. Considering there's a heavy use of magic in their world, it's not unlikely a chain simular to it exists but is less powerful or the like. Along with that, the Hermit, who everyone apparently knows of, has a great deal of knowledge of Malefor, so it's possible he knew how from him.
  • Dawn of the Dragon in general is chalked-full of Fridge Logic.
    • 90% of which comes from the implementation of free-flying.
  • Also, does anyone else think that Cynder was naturally of the Fear element? On top of her coloration, the "icon" for Fear is a silhouette in the shape of Cynder's head.
    • Since it seems to be that "element = color," I assumed she was naturally Shadow-type, especially given how it also forms her "flame-style" move. The game treats Poison as her default, but maybe that was the fault of the darkness.
    • The most popular element considered to be her natural one is Wind, as it's the only one without an 'evil' attribute. However, the Chronicler said that her elements were rare and obtained from darkness, not that they were evil in and of themselves. It's also implied Malefor invented all or most of her elements before his fall to evil, so they're likely not evil in and of themselves, so who knows?
  • Spyro got lots of cool abilities in Ripto's Rage... so how come he can't tumble anymore? Also, why in the first place couldn't he swim on the surface of water?
    • Hydrophobia?
  • Is Spyro a Peace Keeper? It's obvious that he's got the knack for stomping gnorcs... so why is he living in the Artisan world?
    • Spyro could be half-Peace Keeper and half-Artisan, since the Spyro wiki suggests that Artisans often interbreed with the other clans. Maybe he was raised in the Artisan world, but inherited the combat skills of his Peace Keeper side?
  • What happened to Elora? She disappeared for most of the third game, but she wasn't really needed. But the people who made the next games.. Discarded her for no reason. She was a love interest, a girl, and a well-rounded character. I expect that if Insomniac had continued to make Spyro games, she'd reappear.
    • There's an Easter Egg in Dragon Shores that implies Spyro did something to piss her off in the Tunnel of Love (specifically ignoring her) so I always assumed that was the canon reason for her absence.
  • Elora says she's a fawn, but from where? The only other female fawns in the game don't look anything like her.
    • This Troper always got the impression that there'd be a lot less difference between Elora and other fauns if it weren't for the fact that the latter basically had one model per sex (well... two for the males if you count the ones in the volcano level too). She does share something of the personality with them in terms of being basically your average American young female - she's just more mature because she's an actual character rather than a one-level NPC. The only slightly unexplainable thing is her skin colour, which does seem rather different, but... maybe that's just how fauns tan?
  • Okay, so in A Hero's Tail, the second boss (Ineptune, I think her name was) commented that Spyro was larger than she expected, then says something along the lines of she assumed dragons were tiny due to being in the water all the time. But during the cutscene when you first go to the second world, she was shown at the very least seeing Red, who is much larger than Spyro. Would someone care to explain?
    • Probably she was just mocking Spyro. "Blasting his Ego", you know?
  • Is Skylander's even a Spyro game? He's the second word in the title, and from what I've seen it's more like a game that features Spyro and Cynder.
  • Is it me or is the Legend Of Spyro fan-base larger then the "classic" one?
    • It's nearly impossible to draw a clear line between the two and judge their relative sizes, since there is naturally a lot of overlap between them; I think most Legend fans are also fans of the classic series. But I suspect the Legend side only appears larger by virtue of being newer, thus fresher on people's minds, and born into a more net-savvy generation than the original series; there weren't as many kids within the games' target audience online in 1998.
  • Are the post-PS 1 trio games in their own parallel continuity to the originals?
    • Everything from A New Beginning on, yes.
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