Spy Bot

Some robots have it easy, these Robots have a mission. Specifically made for Spying or Espionage missions. They dodge bullets, perform recon, shape-shift, whatever is necessary to find out what someone else doesn't want them to know. While their design can overlap with the Surveillance Drone they are more closely related to Androids and Detectives.

Examples of Spy Bot include:

Anime and Manga


Live Action Television

Real Life

  • Truth in Television: Modern scout drones are basically this, except remotely-operated. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine the possibility of autonomous scouting drones - true "spy robots" - in the near future.
  • Global Hawk

Tabletop RPG

  • Dark Conspiracy supplement Darktek.
    • Snoopbot: 200 kg, built like a trashcan with three legs. Has a full detection/analysis suite and an expert system AI.
    • Probe Drone: used for exploring hazardous areas. Has brackets for mounting sensor modules
  • Shadowrun: many drones fit this description.
  • Robobugs in GURPS: Ultra-Tech are good for this. The much larger nanomorph is basically James Bond with superpowers.

Video Games

  • Early 90s game, James Pond 2: Robocod. may have been cyborg.
  • The beginning mission of Perfect Dark Zero features one of these.
  • The Metal Gear Mk-II

Web Comics

Western Animation

  • The title device in the Jonny Quest TOS episode "The Robot Spy".

Dr. Zin: Once inside your laboratory, it gathers information through these antennae and stores it in a memory bank and brings it back to me.

Web Original

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