< Splice


Elsa: Dren doesn't eat meat!
Clive: Oh, is rabbit considered a vegetable?

Corrupt Corporate Executive 1: Well, I think we can call that a setback.
Corrupt Corporate Executive 2: That was a fucking disaster.

  • Fan Disservice: YMMV, but the scene where Elsa straps Dren to a table naked and cuts off her tail comes off more as disturbing rather than sexy.
  • Freud Was Right: Whoa boy....
  • Fridge Logic: Why does the DNA splicing program have its own error message for the inability to fuse human DNA?
  • Narm: While this might be more related to general audience immaturity, the audience at the theater I was attending roared with laughter when Elsa walked in on Clive and Dren having sex.
    • I think that reaction is partly because the sex scene made everyone watching feel uncomfortable. After such an awkward moment Clive is suddenly caught red handed doing the worst thing ever by his girlfriend and all that tension got released as laughter. Not forgetting for the dark comedian in some of us Clive fucked up so spectacularly as a boyfriend that it was almost an achievement.
    • It wasn't the sex that made everyone laugh, it was the fact that everyone was so squicked out by it that when Elsa walked in on them, it gave everyone a chance to get it off their chest via laughter.
    • Or because that awesome person near the front calling out a sarcastic "It's not what it looks like!" at exactly the right moment.
  • Nightmare Fuel: When Dren speaks just before raping Elsa. The fact that it's the only time that Dren says anything without the aid of scrabble blocks in the entire movie certainly doesn't help.
  • Squick: What else do you call Male Dren raping Elsa?
    • A Milton reference?
  • Tear Jerker: Admit it - you felt sad for Dren when Elsa took the cat from her. Though, since Dren kills the cat immediately after getting her back, that feeling may not last.
    • Arguably that makes it even more sad. Dren imitated the behaviour of her bipolar, abusive mother there, as a revenge for essentially comparing her to a pet animal. No-one ever taught her to control her impulses or to understand why petty cruelty isn't OK.
    • As an added justification, Dren may have also been jealous over Clive.
  • They Copied It, So It Sucks: The film shares a similar title and basic premise to Species.
  • Ugly Cute: Dren's first ambulatory form looks like human features stretched over a kangaroo rat. Or possibly the cutest Silent Hill monster ever.
    • This troper can't be the only one who thinks that her original form looked an awful lot like Mew from Pokémon
  • Uncanny Valley: Dren as a child fell right into this category, what with her eyes on the side of her head, which made her look like a fish. Slightly averted when she got older, but not enough to stop the sex scene between her and Clive from being exceptionally uncomfortable to watch.
  • Unfortunate Implications: While Dren is female, she's a generally sympathetic figure, bordering somewhere between Jerkass Woobie and Tragic Monster. After becoming male, Dren's only characterization is as an aggressive, murderous rapist.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Uncanny Valley aside, the special effects that bring Dren to life are this for the most part.
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