A religion based on the works of Allan Kardec that describe phenomena attributed to spirits.
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Tropes used in Spiritism include:
- All There in the Manual: The books by Kardec.
- Akashic Records
- Comes Great Responsibility / Laser-Guided Karma: A medium, or anyone else for that matter, cannot abuse their powers. Period. If you do it, Laser-Guided Karma will haunt you for your debt, probably removing your privileges now or in a subsequent reincarnation in the process.
- Subverted in that you can loosen your debt through divine favor.
- Demonic Possession
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Spiritism is largely forgotten in Europe since the early 20th century, but retains a huge number of followers in Latin America, especially Brazil.
- Ghost Amnesia: Recently deceased spirits are described as being often oblivious of the fact that they died.
- Karma
- Reincarnation
- Spirit Advisor
- Superpower Lottery: Various abilities under the umbrella of "mediumship". moving objects, seeing spirits, talking to them, healing, and so on.
- Stronger with Age: Spirits keep evolving in apparently every aspect, most notably morality and knowledge.
- Values Dissonance: Lampshaded and Justified. Specifically, there is the evolution of moral values such as altruism, generosity and equality, which is the result of people reincarnating repeatedly and getting better en masse.
- You Cannot Grasp the True Form: The senses (vision, etc.) of Earthly people are described as less sophisticated versions of the spirits' senses.
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