Spirit of Redemption
This Epic Mass Effect Fanfic By Myetel is a 2 Million word+ AU Fiction where the Reaper War is over and Shepard and Garrus have hybrid kids and are now in charge of the Spectres. It follows the lives of Shepard and her new Spectres and their kids. It is so good other fanfic authors have used original ideas from this fic in their fics.
WARNING: This page assumes you have played Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 (DLC included). Spoilers for those two games will be UNMARKED.
NOTE: This Page assumes that you have read up to Dara graduating OCS, beware of unmarked spoilers.
Tropes used in Spirit of Redemption include:
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: inverted with the NCAI's especially EDI and Pelagia
- Action Mom: Shepard, Katsumi and Ylara
- Alien Food Is Edible: Subverted, no nutrition is gained from eating said alien food. Played straight with royal jelly.
- Alien Pet: Shepard's pet varren Urz. Inverted with Solanna's dog.
- All There in the Manual: Myetel has made D&D style stat sheets for the characters on the forums(links in FF.net profile HAS SPOILERS) and on the official wiki there are skill wright ups as well again links in FF profile HAS MILD SPOILERS.
- Apocalypse How: Pre-fic Planetary/Physical Annihilation with the asari homeworld.
- Ascended Fanboy: Some of Forum Role Players have become canon characters.
- Ascended Meme: Blasto the hanar Spectre. Started as a joke in Mass Effect 2, in the fic-verse he is actual spectre and a pretty badass one at that. He can make people taffy. mmmm taffy...
- Babies Make Everything Better: Taken to Over 9000. You can count the number of characters with out kids of some form on 3 hands
- Badass Grandpa: Gavius
- Badass Normal: Sam
- Berserk Button: You better not do anything that is not in Madison's best interest or else you will have a wolverine healing death machine with the same biotic power as a brood warrior who just happens to be immune from the law coming after you(Dempsey).
- Canon Immigrant: some of the fan characters from the Role play forums have been added to the story
- Chekhov's Gun: Azure Dust's effect on rachni. This 'gun' collects a lot of dust over 5 years to be exact but when it fires it is a Big Damn Heros moment.
- Cute Kitten: Loki
- Curb Stomp Battle:The Batarians send a small invasion force to a planet that happens to have the Secret Base of the Spectres. That goes as well as you might think.
- Cyborg: Dempsey, Shepard
- Drugs Are Bad: A asari drug Azure dust is turned into a gas grenade. Every spices has a different reaction: Its Ex for humans, pot for turians, Super Crack for Salarians, a increases biotics for Rachni and Asari.
- Grand Theft Me: Joker Uploads him self in to a prototype of the super tough ex Big Bad Race to have a Big Damn Heroes moment leading to the Curb Stomp Battle with a surprising good guy bias
- Half-Human Hybrid: one of the few good uses of this troupe.
- Heel Face Turn: Seheve Liakos
- Heroic RROD: Siara's Empathy she can take pain into herself, allowing a squad-mate to stay standing in spite of the worst wounds. A dangerous ability, because it does not actually heal the squad-mate, but prevents them from collapsing to the ground. Too much pain can damage her own nerve endings.
- Hive Queen: the Rachni queens Dara is becoming one
- Hospital Hottie: Dara
- I'm Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin: Kella gives part of her essence to Elijah Allowing him to speak asari among other things
- Interspecies Romance
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Just try counting them all. Dare you.
- Mama Bear: Shepard
- No Biochemical Barriers
- Official Couple: Shepard and Garrus
- Parental Incest: Siara suffered this in a bad way.
- Power Armor: The quarinans and the geth have made War Machine battle suits for the Quarinans to wear. instad of buying new armor after the First battle of Kar'Shan, Siara buys an Atlas mech
- Puppy Love: Eli and Dara in the beginning of the story Amara and Madison
- Ridiculously-Human Robots:James
- Student and Master Team: Dara and Shepard, Dara and Mordin
- Synthetic Plague: Batarians do this to the galaxy
- Tangled Family Tree: Holy box of hamsters crawling all over each other Batman, I made a Shepard Family tree as of the latest chapter and if Anges and Gavius get married then a Rachni will be related to the leader of the Turian government.
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