Spike and Barley Play
Spike and Barley Play is a Let's Play series on YouTube starring the titular Spike and Barley.
The series began with Sven Coop games like Afraid of Monsters and eventually began trekking outside the mod to other games. The series quickly became popular since the beginning early in 2011, until they parted ways and started playing separate from each other.
A recurring theme in their videos is a bunch of verbal tics, to the point that it is hard to find a video where at least one isn't present.
Tropes appearing in this tiny series of lil' ol' videos include:
- Abandoned Hospital: From part 8 of the Silent Hill playthrough; "Where's this lead to?" "It looks like a hospi- oh, jesus..."
- Absurdly Ineffective Barricade: In some portions of the Amnesia episodes. Just like anyone else.
- Canada, Eh?: Barley is Canadian.
- Catchphrase Spouting Duo: Both Spike and Barley spout out the strangest things, but notably recurring ones include "Lil' Ol' man!" "You tiny man." "Mister man!" "Laugh it up!"
- Cryptically Unhelpful Answer: In their video answering questions, one of the queries was "What happens when a man misters a man?". Barley was confused, so Spike answered "I'm pretty sure that's when a man of the mister misters a man."
- Heterosexual Life Partners: They bicker, they troll and they laugh at each other so the audience can get their laughs out of their poor cooperation skills. They still (mostly) pull through in the long run, even if it's a long, miserable run through hell and back.
- The Hyena: Barley whenever he finds something funny.
- Man Child
- Not So Stoic: Spike starts out making fun of Barley when he only had to watch him play Amnesia. When they both start playing at the same time, Spike loses his composure.
- Suspicious Videogame Generosity: From the beginning of Afraid of Monsters: "Oh I got a gun!" "That's not good."
- Vitriolic Best Buds: If their Portal 2 co-op videos are any indication.
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