Characters of Spellforce 1: The Order of Dawn.
The Phoenix Guard
The First player character in the games. The Phoenix guard is a Rune Warrior, who has regained his free will. In the first campaign, he has the tendency to be an Unwitting Pawn in almost every plot the villains think of. He comes into the possession of the phoenix stone and decides to guard it with his life.
In the third campaign, this stone becomes an important item to defeat the Big Bad.
Tropes associated with the Phoenix Guard:
- An Adventurer Is You
- Black Magic
- Drop the Hammer/Carry a Big Stick
- Dual-Wielding
- Elemental Powers
- Heroes Prefer Swords/An Axe to Grind
- Magic Knight: Recommended
- Mind Over Matter
- Red Mage: Also recommended[1].
- White Magic
- The Medic
- Status Buff
- Summon Magic
- Turn Undead: Works against Mecha-Mooks, too.
- MacGuffin Delivery Service
- Purely Aesthetic Gender
- Unwitting Pawn: He got hit really hard with this. Almost every villain in the plot knows how to manipulate him at some point. It is also revealed he is an unwitting pawn in maintaining a Stable Time Loop
Rohen Tahir
Rohen is the stereotypical good old wizard and the last one of a group of powerful mages called The Circle. He survived the Convocation Ritual and tried to help the people get back on their feet and founded the Order of Dawn. This is a group of knights intending to maintain order in the broken world. He is the one who summoned the Phoenix Guard into the world, thus starting the first campaign. Rohen gets killed in the middle of the first Campaign by the Dark One.
He shares a strange connection with the Dark One in the first campaign.
Tropes associated with Rohen:
- An Ice Person: At the end of the tutorial.
- The Atoner
- Big Good
- I Hate Past Me
- The Obi-Wan
- Animate Dead: He comes back during the third campaign resurrected by the Big Bad. But he is killed during battle.
- Heel Face Turn
- Stable Time Loop
The Dark One
This is the first villain of the game. The Dark One is also a surviving mage of the Circle. He owns an army of Mecha-Mooks, and is fond of using ice magic. The Dark One manipulates multiple people in the first campaign, including the Phoenix Guard. His plan was to travel back in time to manipulate past events to become all powerful. And he succeeds in the 'traveling back' part...
However, it was revealed that this person is actually a younger Rohen. When the young Rohen traveled back in time, he realized that he was making a big mistake. During his years in the past, he ages into the older version mentioned above. He tries to stop his younger self of making the mistakes he made his own youth. In doing so, he creates a time loop.
Tropes associated with The Dark One:
- An Ice Person: He likes ice magic...a lot. Almost everyone he killed is frozen before.
- Big Bad
- Evil Sorcerer
- Heel Face Turn
- In the Hood: Until The Reveal.
- Mecha-Mooks: The Dark One stole these mooks from another circle mage.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Playing with Fire: In the opening cutscene only.
- Stable Time Loop
- Unwitting Pawn: Of Rohen and Darius.
Darius Servil
An old scolar and friend of Rohen, as well as the author of the Convocation Book.
He also appears in a Sidequest in the first expansion.
In Shadow of the Phoenix, it is revealed that Darius is actually Ereon, god of knowledge and justice. He is taken prisoner by the Big Bad and his blood used to raise the rest of the Cicle.
Tropes associated with Darius:
- Batman Gambit: What he pulls on Rohen.
- God in Human Form
- Guile Hero
- Mister Exposition
- The Smart Guy
- ↑ But not Black/Elemental