< Speed Grapher

Speed Grapher/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Suitengu, Tsujido and Miharu all get touching ends.
  • Complete Monster: All euphorics who appear as minor villains. Strange since major antagonists, including the Big Bad himself, actually come off more sympathetic.
    • Not all of the Euphoric minor villains are Complete Monsters, just most of them. Miharu qualifies as an exception, as does Tsujido depending on whether or not one considers him as a minor villain.
  • Crazy Awesome: Seriously, some of the ways Saiga comes up with to wreak havoc with a camera are truly mindboggling.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: "I'm a monster, too."
    • Add both of Saiga's rescue missions to that, particularly the wedding crasher.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: "Yes, I'll be needing you to get me another car immediately... preferably one that can't be BLOWN UP BY A FUCKING CAMERA!"
    • Niharii's reaction to the diamond lady Euphoric biting off a woman's finger so she could eat a diamond ring is pretty funny too.

"Lady, that's fucked up!"

    • The entirety of Episode 16, which is a clip episode. It's handled in such a way that it can't be presented as anything but a clip episode as well as adding a new dimension to the series as a whole: It's about the Roppongi Club's accountant tallying up all of the membership fees, then the expenses Saiga has done up to that point, which turns out to be relatively equal. We see various clips and are then shown how much it cost.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: In the last episode, when Saiga and Kagura are reunited for good. Also qualifies as a Tear Jerker of the Tears of Joy kind.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The whole soundtrack qualifies but the closing credits Break The Cocoon definitely takes the cake.
  • Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy: Episode 20, the Author Tract and Willing Suspension of Disbelief both went off the rails. Ok anvil, I got it -- all wealth and power invariably make monsters of everyone who has it, everyone else are hypocrites and ineffectual ones at that. We're uniformly response-stimulus machines, even our hero isn't exempt from that.
  • Fetish Fuel: Invoked. This is the series where your fetishes give you superpowers. And it's not hentai.
  • Hell Is That Noise: The Shallow Parody Camp Gay, never given Character Development could've been moved offstage for the dramatic scenes. Instead his shrieking "Saiga!" is interjected inappropriately and frequently enough to be a Level Breaker.
    • In-universe, the screeching of dentist drills -- Niharii is shown cowering in an office with his hands over his ears to block out the sound. Of course, the fact the drills were being used by a Depraved Dentist to basically rip a woman's mouth apart probably played a factor in that.
  • Ho Yay: Besides Bob, Tsujido is really attached to Suitengu. Played with more subtlety than in many anime, though.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Suitengu
  • Moral Event Horizon: Shinzen's treatment of Kagura puts her WAY beyond this point. Other Euphorics also cross this line.
  • Nightmare Fuel: LOTS of it. An example? Anyone afraid of going to the dentist should probably avoid watching episode 8.
  • The Woobie: Kagura
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