< Special Bulletin

Special Bulletin/YMMV

  • Harsher in Hindsight - Thanks to 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, etc.
    • The evacuation scene is a bit harsher after a major mess resulting from hurricane evacuations in SC.
  • Nightmare Fuel - Even if you knew it wasn't real, it looked very like a real newscast of the time. Add that it was topical (this was made in the darkness before glasnost) and had a Downer Ending, and you got chills if you saw it when it first aired.
    • The scene in which they reestablish a live link to a news crew that was aboard the USS Yorktown is major league nightmare fuel. The haunted and terrified female reporter showing a shot of the resulting firestorm, then running tape of the actual explosion is bad enough. The poor woman agonizing over the dead body of her colleague in the murky light, and nervously asking about when the radiation will start hitting them and whether they're all going to die...all of this live on the air...yikes!
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