Spartacus: Blood and Sand/WMG

  • Theokoles is a Highlander.
  • Spartacus take place in the same universe as 300.
    • Theokoles is a descendant of Leonidas. In the motion comic, it's mentioned that Theokoles' Disappeared Dad was a Spartan.
  • Lucretia cannibalized the Ludus victims. How else did she survive that long in the Ludus post-Rebellion?
  • Glaber isn't the father of Illithya's child, Spartacus is. Remember the Bed Trick episode?
    • She obviously does. It does raise certain questions, though; Season one's timeline is hard to pin down but it seems that at the time Illithya arranged to fuck a gladiator, she hadn't seen Glaber in a bit and it wasn't until the season finale some time later that they saw each other again. If this turns out to be the case, how long before Glaber realizes the timeline in Illithya's pregnancy is off?
    • Confirmed.
  • Ashur Saved Lucretia. He's the only other person we know survived. And uninjured too. He might have sewn her up after the gladiators left her for dead.
  • Lucretia is Obfuscating Insanity.
    • Both of the above Wild Mass Guessing may have been confirmed by Episode two.
      • Ashur saving Lucretia is confirmed by episode 3. Also confirmed is that if nothing else, Lucretia is hamming up her act to manipulate Glaber. However, she also seems to at least partly buy into it, though she may just be keeping the act up around Ashur, as well.
  • When Seppia finds out Glaber killed Seppius, she will kill him.
    • Ashur's loot chest will be how she finds out; she'll see a familiar piece of jewelry in it or on Lucretia.
      • Yes, and no. Lucretia recognized the bracelet, showed it to Seppia, then urged her to kill Glaber while they were alone in the bath. It didn't work out the way Seppia would have hoped.
  • Someone else knows about Lycinia's murder. As it stands, everyone we know knew is dead. Someone else has to know so they can tell Crassus and give Crassus a personal stake in the fight.
    • Spartacus?
      • It wasn't made explicit as to whether or not he knew about Lycinia being killed. He was hauled out of the room before that happened, and Batiatus didn't mention it to him. That would also require him feeling petty enough to tell Crassus, and considering he passed up a golden opportunity to let Glaber know he fucked his wife, that doesn't seem in character. The only other person who might know is Naevia, who probably helped dispose of the body.
  • Naevia will be captured or killed at some point in season 3. Historically, after his victory over Glaber, Spartacus planned on leaving Italy for Gaulia, leading his army of freed slaves out of the reach of the Romans. This caused a divide, with Crixus choosing to stay in Italy to loot and plunder. Rape, Pillage and Burn aren't exactly in character for the show's portrayal of Crixus, however. Desiring to free or avenge Naevia, however, would be.
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