Spaceship Agga Ruter

Spaceship Agga Ruter (Space Opera アッガ・ルター) is a four-episode Hentai OVA from Masaki Kajishima, the creator of the Tenchi Muyo franchise.
Spaceship Girl Kei, avatar of the Agga Ruter, has been raising our hero, Taiyo, ever since she found him as an orphaned, stranded child. She's taught him everything she knows (or can figure out) about how to get along with people. Meaning sex. With her.
But now it's time for Taiyo to leave the nest and learn to "get along" with others. Conveniently enough, the Space Pirate Jannis comes along to capture the Agga Ruter and deliver it to the pirate lord Shank. But Taiyo's compassion, "communication skills", and super strength manage to win Jannis over, and the trio set out to search the spaceways for treasure and Lost Technology.
- A-Cup Angst: Experienced by Captain Yvonne from the fourth episode, who tries to compensate with a pair of Lost Technology fake breasts (which are a family heirloom). Taiyo shows her that she has nothing to worry about.
- Alpha Bitch: Captain Yvonne
- Balanced Harem
- Big Bad: Shank
- Butt Monkey: Jannis
- Catgirl: Jannis becomes this whenever anyone has sex with her which leads to (their) death -- with the exception of Taiyo, who manages to befriend her bestial side.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Taiyo and Kei.
- Cool Starship: The Agga Ruter.
- Expy: Obviously, Tenchi/Taiyo and Ryoko/Jannis.
- Harem Genre
- Idiot Hero: Taiyo
- Naked Apron: Invoked in episode two.
- No Ending
- Running Gag
- Kei's continuing campaign to teach Taiyo about "communicating" with the opposite sex, largely based on Porn Tropes like the legendary Naked Apron or "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It".
- Also, all of the female characters besides Kei play Bishonen Dating Sims; Taiyo somehow manages to ruin their saved games.
- Space Pirates: Jannis; Shank
- Spaceship Girl: Kei
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Kei
- Wife Husbandry: Inverted; Kei teaches Taiyo about lovemaking while raising him as a foster son.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Jannis herself has purple hair while Captain Martha Igrie has green hair.