Space Transformers
So basically, it's The Fantastic Voyage but with giant robots and Robin Hood's Merry Men.
—An user summarizes
Space Transformers is a perplexingly insane and incredibly low-quality pseudoanime straight from South Korea. The plot focuses around a Cyborg woman named Ivy, who defends the entire universe from enemies with her built-in evil-sensing computers. The enemy infects her with a virus. Now the only one to save her is Diatron 5, a Humongous Mecha shrunk down to microscopic size that goes in to fight the bacteria. Two kids, a battle station called the "Star Wars" and Diatron's inventor join her in the battle against evil. Evil being an androgynous woman named Mary, her brother with blue skin who looks suspiciously like Spock and their fleet of robots and forest green demon-like aliens.
Bits and pieces of the film were redubbed and incorporated into Space Thunder Kids by Joseph Lai, the same person behind the similarly hacked and redubbed Godfrey Ho Ninja Movies.
It was dubbed twice; once with a British sounding cast (some being from Space Thunder Kids as well) that can be downloaded here. and another with an American-sounding cast, renamed Diatron-5. You can watch Bennett the Sage and The Spoony One review that version here.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us
- Apocalypse Maiden: Ivy
- Art Shift: The animation ranges from extremely poor to half-decent.
- You Fail Biology Forever: So many instances. For the most Egregious example, people do not have small galaxies inside their bodies.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space
- Fantastic Voyage Plot: Perhaps the only one to involve a giant robot, and once inside Ivy's body, nothing at all remotely resembles a human body's insides. It's not even like "Osmosis Jones" where the white blood cells are people or anything, there's just a whole complete Earth with kingdoms inside her.
- Hong Kong Dub: Two of them!
- Ill Girl: Ivy
- Incredible Shrinking Man
- Literal Ass-Kicking
- Mockbuster: To their credit, the plot is fairly original (if insane), but almost everything else was ripped off from something else. Interestingly, it does not rip off Transformers, at least not directly. The "Diatron 5" is actually Machine Buffalo, a robot from Takara's Diaclone toyline, which was also the source of about half the cast of G1, including Optimus, but Buffalo itself was never imported under the TF brand. Ironically, this film is probably the only reason anybody remembers it.
- Mysterious Waif: Ivy
- Non Dubbed Grunts: Especially jarring, considering the original voice actor sounded like a small boy, and the dub voice was an adult male.
- Off-Model
- Saving the World
- Stuffed Into the Fridge: Charlene
- Stay In The Spaceship: The scientist tells the young girl this.
- Tag-Team Suicide: Checker does this after Charlene is killed.
- Terminally Dependent Society