< Space Station 13
Space Station 13/Awesome
- Baystation 12: At the end of a "Secret" mode round, the traitor, Kumil Forge, was telling the AI why he had done what he had done but just as the escape pod were about to launch, in comes Danny Boomating who opens up the doors, causing Kumil to get sucked out of the pod while Danny manages to survive by closing the doors shortly after Kumil gets sucked out, prompting a comment of "Run crazy person with laser sword." from the AI.
- When the figurative dust settles, Danny's only comment was "So um... Who was that guy?
- Also doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny.
- When the figurative dust settles, Danny's only comment was "So um... Who was that guy?
- From the mouth of Kumil Forge: http://baystation12.co.cc/index.php/topic,67.msg18304.html#msg18304
- During a nuke round, the captain managed to get his hands on the nuke but couldn't disable it, so he went on the com channel and said, "Make sure to get those syndies for me," then jetpacked out an airlock with the bomb. The nuke went off on a different z-level and the syndicates all ended up dead, but because it wasn't on the shuttle when it left, it was counted as a tie.
- This may not be a true crowning moment of awesome but for this tropers first alien round he was the last survivor despite having nothing but a crowbar as a weapon it was 5 minutes till the escape shuttle got to the station so what do i do? try and drag the alien queen out of the air lock and fail
- During the first game where I wasn't desperately trying to learn the controls and what all the items did, I was a lowly assistant patrolling the halls and delivering emergency tools to those who needed them. Suddenly, we get word that a changeling is here and barely manage to drag one of his near-victims away into the med bay for healing. Suddenly, this assistant turns into a hunter armed with nothing but a welding torch. When the changeling ran into hydroponics and attacked the botanist, I arrived before anyone else to burn it to death. Despite having barely a clue of what to do and being in the lowest position on the station (and having previously been accidentally arrested in lieu of a griefer with the same first name), I managed to kill a dangerous creature and even helped turn hydroponics into a safe haven when another changeling was confirmed and had jammed telecommunications (forcing us to communicate through PDA messages or simply talking).
- I also once joined a game as an assistant and didn't realize there was a wizard aboard the (apparently abandoned) station until I came across a random assistant trying to administer medical aid to an unconscious doctor and suddenly be fireballed into oblivion. Upon getting up and finding that the wizard was gone, I took the doctor's spare oxygen tank and his medical headset so I could communicate with the med team. The wizard showed up again and fireballed me, but was accidentally caught in the blast and knocked unconscious. Thinking quickly (and finding that I couldn't remove his clothing), I snatched his staff and sprinted to the nearest airlock and tossed it into space. Unable to keep up his spells for as long, the wizard was forced to rest in a maintenence shaft after casting too many spells. I took the opportunity to beat him to death with a crowbar. And that's how a single newbie defeated a wizard through luck.
- During my first game as traitor, I was on a skeleton crew (to the point of having to change IDs and supply weapons from security personally). Suddenly, we get word of a changeling in the labs who spaced the research director. After a small incident involving a bomb and me nearly suffocating to death, we were down to half a dozen personnel plus a changeling. Teaming up with a doctor and a security guard, we coordinated with the AI and my thermal goggles to bolt the changeling into a maintenence corridor and ambush him as he tried to escape. We promptly beat him into unconsciousness and, just for revenge, gibbed his body and turned him into burgers. As the shuttle was called, we ate the enemy and congratulated the AI. Everyone got aboard no sweat (except an assistant who joined 30 seconds before the shuttle was due to depart and chose to remain on the station alone), and we all decided to retire.
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