< Space Quest

Space Quest/Fridge

Fridge Horror

  • For a comedy series, Space Quest had a particularly vile one. In Space Quest 4, Roger is tossed through time by his son, a battle-scarred fighter for La RĂ©sistance at the age of 19. Roger's home world of Xenon is a post-apocalyptic nightmare full of Sequel Police terminators, killer robots, and any living being found given a lobotomy and having their eyes wired open, run by a supercomputer corrupted by Roger's Arch Enemy. After Roger dispatches the Vohaul computer, his son says they had to go back in time in order to find "the only man who defeated Vohaul." That means Roger is stuck in a Stable Time Loop - he remembers what happened (as we see in Space Quest V), but he can't prevent the horrors he saw from happening...and Junior heavily implied that Roger and Beatrice both don't live to see him grow up.
  • Another bit of Fridge Horror is in The Next Mutation where you realize that the Corrupt Corporate Executive has been regularly bribing Quirk to dump the mutagenic sludge. We saw the devastation it wreaked on Klorox II, but how many other planets did this stuff get dropped on? Even better is that a ship the size of the Goliath should have dozens or hundreds of crew members, but only a dozen or so are rescued...and there are puddles of sludge everywhere on the ship, indicating those are the crew's remains. Seriously, Two Guys, this is supposed to be a comedy?
  • A lesser one, but still unnerving. just how long was Roger in that stasis unit between Space Quest 2 and 3? It was long enough for a chintzy gewgaw to accumulate 400,000 buckazioids interest from Gippaziod Novelty (though it may be more due to Loan Shark tendencies). For that matter, the same company who keeps hassling Roger over the interest is the same one who put together that deadly slot machine in Ulence Flats. Do they usually kill their customers, and Roger's just been 'lucky?'.

Fridge Logic

  • Who would want to play a slot machine that kills you if you get the wrong combination?** A really high payoff?
    • Fridge Brilliance: Do you see anything else to do on that planet?
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