Space Colony/Characters
Space Colony features a cast of 19 crew members, though not all appear at once in the colony. They carry with them a wide variety of tropes of their own:
Venus Jones
A Coloradan woman who serves as the team leader.
- The Hero
- Jack of All Stats: She starts with average levels in all basic skills, and lesser levels in some others.
- Only Sane Man: She's the only member of the team without some sort of personality defect or eccentricity.
- Redheaded Hero
Stig Svenson
A Norwegian biker brought on to help operate heavy machinery.
- Badass Biker
- Badass Moustache
- Big Eater: His priority want is food.
- The Big Guy: And it shows. Aside from him being a Big Eater, he's also a good mechanic and turret operator.
Tami La Belle
A Texan woman brought in to aid with cleaning duties.
- Dysfunction Junction: She seems to have a combination of alcoholism and depression, as well as a tendency towards self destructive behaviour and lashing out against others. Her priority need is for social contact.
- Smoking Is Cool: Subverted. She's a protagonist, but smoking doesn't seem to help her problems.
- The Alcoholic
Dean Jefferson Brown
A Californian man brought in as the team doctor.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Hoo boy.
- Jive Turkey: He has mild elements of this.
- Neat Freak: To some extent, understandable, since he's a doctor. His priority need is cleanliness.
- The Medic: Due to his background, he starts with the highest medical skills of any character in the game.
Daisy Willowreed
A Californian woman brought in to help with the colony's botany.
- Actual Pacifist
- Granola Girl: And how!.
- New Age Retro Hippie: Future Retro Hippie, in fact.
Billy Bob Perkins
An American man from the Deep South brought in to help run the colony's space chicken farming operation.
- Deep South
- Gentle Giant
- Idiot Savant: Not exactly, but he is an extremely competent chicken farmer despite his otherwise dull nature.
Candy Simpson
A Valley Girl brought in to—well, do janitorial work and learn something.
- Dumb Blonde
- Gameplay Scrappy, The Scrappy: She starts with virtually no skills and requires cash to keep her entertained. Add that to her personality, and you have a scrappy.
- The Ditz
- Valley Girl
Captain Charles Wilmington
A former British navyman kicked out of the Navy for some unknown offense, which he says was a "silly incident". He is brought in to help man the turrets.
Greg Chesterton
A Jerkass extroardinaire who's high maintenace and mixed in skills.
- Gameplay Scrappy, The Scrappy: His personality, combined with his lesser-Mario style skills and high maintenance status, makes him disliked among fans.
- Jack of All Stats: A weaker version thereof.
- Jerkass
Hoshi and Kita
Two Japanese twins brought in to help with general purpose work and operations.
- Cyberpunk: Their outfits seem to be Japanese versions of this fashion.
- The Mario
- Tag-Team Twins: Oh yeah. They work far better together than apart, and can satisfy each other's social needs effectively.
Barbra Leechworth
A former Vice President of Sales at Blackwater Industries, brought in to help the colony's general operations.
'Nailer' McBride
A Violent Glaswegian brought in to help operate the team's heavy machinery and turret guns.
- Bald of Awesome / Bald of Evil
- Off on a Technicality: former death row inmate
- Violent Glaswegian
Nikolai Volkov
A Russian man brought in to aid the team's biochemical and scientific endeavours.
- Insufferable Genius
- Mad Scientist
- Neat Freak: Like Dean, his priority need is cleanliness.
Ashia Green
A British woman and former athlete brought in after an injury ended her career. She is still quite athletic, being known as the sporty one of the team. She aids with a wide variety of duties, including turret operation.
- Retired Badass: Involuntarily and prematurely, in her case.
- The Mario
Babette Devereux
A snobby French woman brought in for similar reasons as Candy.
- Evil Counterpart: To Candy, in some ways.
- French Jerk
- Gameplay Scrappy, The Scrappy: See Candy's entry. She is also very high maintenance, and social is her priority need.
- Rich Bitch: Even more so than Barbra.
Vasilios Kosmos
A Greek man who was the victim of some unknown psychic attack (possibly from the Brainspawn), that rendered him emotionless and a Cloudcuckoolander. He starts with few skills, but is a good learner.
A middle class white New York City boy pretending to be a lower class black boy and gangster. An avid rap fan who begins with few skills but has the big advantage of using his skateboard to get around the base rather than walking, greatly addding to his speed.
- Jive Turkey
- Only One Name
- Parental Abandonment
- Pass Fail: Hoo booooooy.
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy
- Satisfied Street Rat: His attempted persona.
- Shout-Out: To Slim Shady, of course.
Broomi Sharma
An old Indian woman brought in as the team janitor and for moral support.
Mr. Zhang
A Chinese Grumpy Old Man and old robotics specialist who minors in botany.
- Crippling Overspecialization: He is excellent at botany and masterful at android making, but has little skill elsewhere, is slow to learn and is high maintenance.
- Grumpy Old Man
- Old Master