< Space Chimps
Space Chimps/YMMV
- Freud Was Right: Some people think Kilowatt's head resembles a breast.
- Fridge Horror: They need a nose cone for their spaceship for re-entry. So they use the frozen, but still blinking, Zartog.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Malgor is an alien world with technicolor flora and fauna, a MacGuffin material and predominantly blue aliens with flying mounts resembling stingrays at their disposal. Yeah.
- Older Than They Think: The Nineties cartoon Captain Simian and The Space Monkeys was pretty much exactly the same thing.
- Sequelitis
- Special Effects Failure: While the first movie had a (moderate) budget, its animation was still pretty bad, especially on the Alien planet. Unfortunately, the sequel takes the Shit level up to all new heights.
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