< Space
- Big Name Fan: Pab UK and Eiteews, aka Paul and Donna, who ran Spacetheband. There's also Billy Cook, who is responsible for making Love You More Than Football available to fans.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: 'Female Of The Species', 'Avenging Angels', 'Neighbourhood' and 'Me And You Versus The World' are the songs guaranteed to get the crowd going. Franny's performance of 'Fran In Japan' in the Tin Planet Live video also counts as this.
- Crowning Music Of Heartwarming: 'Only Half An Angel', 'Bad Days', and in an odd way, 'Me & You Vs The World'. Especially in Tin Planet Live, where Jamie dedicates it to his baby daughter.
- From Love You More Than Football, 'More Than A Friend' and 'Yes You Do'.
- When Space played their homecoming gig in December 2011, they included a tribute to Andy Parle (about 1:40 in).
- Ear Worm: any of the singles could qualify. In fact, Jamie even said, before Tin Planet came out, that they wanted it to be 'as catchy as Spiders, songs that'll stick in people's heads'.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: every member of the Five-Man Band had their own fandom, not just Tommy. It helped that up until Jamie's departure, other band members got the spotlight: Jamie sang lead vocals on several songs, Franny had a solo spot, and during the Tin Planet era, Leon even got to do a drum solo. Yorkie also did a fair amount of interviews alongside Tommy.
- Epic Riff: 'Female Of The Species', 'Avenging Angels', 'Begin Again' and 'The Ballad Of Tom Jones'. Franny apparently got goosebumps whenever he played the latter.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: 'Drop Dead' is about stalking celebrities. Guess what happened to Tommy when the band toured the US in 1997?
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: strangely, the line about castration in 'The Ballad Of Tom Jones' wasn't censored on the radio.
- Hell Is That Noise: 'I Am Unlike A Lifeform You've Ever Met is possibly the creepiest song Space have ever done. It is the only Space song where Franny does lead vocals. He has a very thick Scouse accent. You wouldn't think that a Scouser talking about how he's going to eat you, and sounding like he's going to enjoy it, would be so disturbing...but oh, it is. The breaks in the music and the sampled speech at the end about an impending zombie invasion do not help.
- Narm: Tommy had the following conversation with a Melody Maker journalist: "The new album's called Love You More Than Football...why are you laughing?" In fact, one of the main criticisms of Space was that they were too wacky and silly to be taken seriously, even when they tried to write serious songs, thanks to the constant namechecking of superheroes and villains, and some of the sound effects they used, such as fake brass.
- 'Suburban Rock 'n' Roll' contains the line 'he buries me in soil / and it hurts like burning oil'.
- Tin Planet and Love You More Than Football are entire albums of Narm .
- Nightmare Fetishist: if his lyrics are anything to go by, Tommy is one. To a lesser extent, so is Jamie.
- Painful Rhyme: 'There's No You'.
You were so bright and oh so full of culture / And I preyed on you like a big old fat vulture...
- 'Suburban Rock 'n' Roll'.
Our war is never won / But our love is a loaded gun / He buries me in soil / And it hurts like burning oil / You're my running stream / And we're a winning team...
- Tear Jerker: 'Bad Days', about the band's lost loved ones. And not just for fans, either - Tommy cried when he was recording it.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: unlike Spiders and Tin Planet, Suburban Rock 'n' Roll was not well-received by critics, and sold very poorly. It didn't help that much of the fandom had grown tired of waiting for a new album and moved on.
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