Sovereign Seven

Sovereign Seven was a comic book series created by Chris Claremont and Dwayne Turner in 1995. It ran for 36 issues and two annuals.

The series was the first creator-owned series for DC Comics.

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Tropes used in Sovereign Seven include:
  • Action Girl: Every female member of the team, and the town sheriff, Molly Savoy.
    • Even Lois Lane gets a guest spot wielding Finale's armor and sword.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Indigo, who it is suggested could switch between male and female at will.
  • Barrier Warrior: Rampart.
  • Berserk Button: Network will bite, claw, scratch and kick like the devil is you even suggest making her psi-blind. Justified in that without her telepathic powers, she's unable to read, speak, or communicate.
    • For Cascade, it's even suggesting that she's remotely like her mother, Matriesse.
    • For Finale, it's the mere thought of getting wet. Believing she had made contact with water literally drove her berserk at one point.
  • Big Eater: Cruiser's telekinesis is fueled by his body mass.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Skin Dance's victims.
  • Continuity Nod: Several for the main DCU, including a Road Trip to Gotham City during the Contagion Storyline, the events of Final Night took place during Network's turn as a Fake Defector, and the events of the Genesis storyline.
  • Eyepatch of Power: In the final issue, a character sports an eyepatch that she previously hadn't worn. The Sovereigns assumed it was due to an injury in the close quarters fighting they were currently locked in. Turns out it was a gunsight for a Kill Sat.
  • Fake Defector: Network pretends to be under the Mind Control of the Chimera android, until she reveals that she's merely playing along to rescue an infant telepath from the organization's clutches. Her friends, however, do not take her actions very well.
  • Kill Sat: The Mir Space Station functions as one in the final issue.
  • Killed Off for Real: Rampart.
  • Les Yay: Cascade and Network's psychic rapport, until Network's turn as a Fake Defector against Shogun. Chimera's interactions with Network also has shades of this.
  • The Magnificent Seven Samurai
  • Never Learned to Read: Network. As a telepath, her "language" is based in imagery and not symbols or letters. It's been stated that without her telepathy, she would be incapable of learning spoken or written language.
  • Public Domain Artifact: Excalibur shows up.
  • Shout-Out: Crossroads has some interesting visitors. In the space of two issues we see Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, Illyana, and an implied presence by Lockheed.
  • Super Speed: Reflex, who isn't quite as fast as Impulse (Later Kid Flash)
  • Telepathy: Network's primary power.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Pretty much everyone's reaction to Network's Fake Defector stint. Network decided she couldn't let the others in on her scheme, for fear it would be discovered, and Cascade took it so hard, she actually left the team for a time.
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