Soul Drinkers/Characters
For characters in the Soul Drinkers series. There will be spoilers, but those from Hellforged and Phalanx will be marked.
Soul Drinkers
A Librarian who lead the Soul Drinkers against the Imperium, and later succeeded Gorgoleon as Chapter Master. Suffered mutations that gave him spider legs.
- An Axe to Grind: The Axe of Merceano.
- Badass in Charge
- Bald of Awesome
- Big Good
- Commanding Coolness
- A Father to His Men: In comparison to Eumenes.
- I Did What I Had to Do: Sarpedon starts doing this more than he can justify.
- Psychic Powers: He can transmit his thoughts, but not receive thoughts.
- Spider Limbs
- Pro-Human Transhuman: He may reject the Imperium, but he hasn't abandoned the people of the Imperium. This can occasionally bring him into argument with some marines.
- Taking You with Me: Dies as he drags Daenyathos into the Warp.
A Tactical Sergeant in the Old Chapter, later promoted to Captain and emerges as Sarpedon's right hand man.
- Badass in Charge
- Beneath the Mask: While he outwardly maintains that he finds war enjoyable, in truth he hates war, and longs only for peace.
- Blood Knight: He puts on this facade.
- The Captain: After Crimson Tears.
- I Die Free: Walks into the closing Warp Portal with Graevus at the end of Phalanx.
- Leader: Type IV. Sarpedon himself says that if any Soul Drinker were asked who they could fight under, the honest would say Luko.
- Number Two
- Sergeant Rock
- Wolverine Claws: Uses a pair of Lightning Claws.
An Assault Sergeant of the Soul Drinkers. Suffered a mutation that caused his right hand to grow massive in size.
- An Axe to Grind: Wields a Power Axe. His mutation lets him hold it one handed.
- An Arm and a Leg: Losses his left leg during the battle with Abraxes.
- I Die Free: Walks into the warp with Luko at the end of Phalanx.
- Red Right Hand
- Sergeant Rock
A Tactical Sergeant. Suffered a metabolic mutation.
- Chainsaw Good: Uses a chainsword.
- A Good Way to Die: Subverted. He's killed by Iktinos's flock and feels that there should have been some glory to it.
- Sergeant Rock
An Assault Sergeant in the Old Chapter. Lost his hands at the Lakonia Star Fort against the Adeptus Mechanicus, and nerve damage prevented augmentics from being applied, so he later jammed Chainswords into the stubs to continue fighting. His mutation kept the swords in place, and gave him a healing powers beyond that of a normal Marine, but also turned him into a berserk fighter who had to be dragged from fights. Turned against the Soul Drinkers at Stratix Luminae, following Khorne. Killed when Entymion IV was subjected to Exterminatus.
- An Arm and a Leg: He lost his hands in Soul Drinker.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: He's usually the first into the fray.
- Badass: Probably the most badass of the Soul Drinkers.
- Blade Below the Shoulder
- Chainsaw Good: It's 40k, but Serial Escalation soon applies.
- Fallen Hero: Tellos has a bright future in the Soul Drinkers, and marked for Captaincy at one point.
- Immune to Bullets: Bullets (and bolts) pass through his skin.
- I Just Want to Be Badass: Fighting is why he was born.
- Master Swordsman
- One-Man Army
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Forgoes a breastplate after coming up with the idea of jamming swords into his wrists.
De facto Chief Apothecary of the Soul Drinkers. Suffered a mutation resulting in scales developing across his skin.
- The Atoner: For siding with Eumenes during the Second Chapter War.
- Body Horror: Scales begin growing across his skin.
- Combat Medic
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Cut in half by Abraxes sword.
- Odd Friendship: He has two examples:
- With Tellos: Pallas was an Apothecary dedicated to healing, while Tellos was a One-Man Army dedicated to killing. Yet Tellos's death ultimately drove Pallas to side with Eumenes in the Second Chapter War.
- With Luko. Pallas was one of the most notable Veterans to join Eumenes, yet Luko was Sarpedon's strongest supporter, and was ready to kill Eumenes under a flag of truce. Yet when Pallas is killed, Luko realized that Pallas was his friend, and was genuinely anguished that he was dead.
- Was It Really Worth It?: He keeps asking himself if rebelling against the Imperium was worth the losses the Soul Drinkers have suffered, and eventually decided that it was the price they paid for freedom.
A Techmarine and de facto Master of the Forge for the Soul Drinkers.
- The Captain: Serves as de facto Captain of the Brokenback.
- The Engineer
- Frozen Face: An encounter early into the series causes this.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Against the Necron overlord in Hellforged.
- Machine Worship
Sole remaining Chaplain, leaving him de facto High Chaplain of the Soul Drinkers. Is manipulating the Chapter toward some goal in the service of an unknown master.
- Badass Preacher
- Drop the Hammer
- Evil Chancellor: To Sarpedon.
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Paragon Always Rebels: Sarpedon even said that he was The Paragon of the Chapter.
- Thrown Out the Airlock
A Librarian in the Soul Drinkers who can manipulate electricity. He often serves as a Foil to Sarpedon, playing the Devil's advocate.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Somehow, he never picks up a scar or piece of grim in battle.
- Commander Contrarian: His purpose to Sarpedon.
- Flaming Sword: Wields a Force sword.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Gave his life to save Luko in Phalanx.
- The Mentor: To Scamander
- Psychic Powers
- Taking You with Me: Allowed a Great Unclean One to eat him, so that he could self-destruct and kill it from the inside.
A Soul Drinker Librarian who can increase the reaction time of his brothers. Sides with Eumenes during the Chapter War, but deliberately allows Sarpedon to escape a trap, for which he is killed.
- Badass Grandpa
- Boom! Headshot!
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: Sided with Eumenes, but let Sarpedon and his marines escape, for which he is killed.
- Lightning Bruiser: Making his fellow Soul Drinkers this is his power.
- Psychic Powers
A Captain of the Soul Drinkers, who possesses one of the few remaining suits of Terminator Armour the Chapter has. Later appointed Master of Novices, and killed by his former apprentices during the Second Chapter War.
- An Arm and a Leg: Losses his lower right leg and right hand at Stratix Luminae.
- The Captain
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Proves to be an even harder taskmaster than Sarpedon had expected. And each one of the recruits would follow Karraidin into the Eye of Terror for it.
- More Dakka: Wields a Storm Bolter.
- No Body Left Behind: His body is utterly destroyed during the Second Chapter War.
- Power Fist
- Rasputinian Death: Just read the description of how he dies during the Second Chapter War. You think Eumenes was exaggerating when he said that Karraidin was the toughest of the Soul Drinkers? Hell no.
- Veteran Instructor
- Walking Tank: In his Terminator Armour.
A Soul Drinker scout, part of the first generation recruited by the Soul Drinkers after their break with the Imperium. Coming from a world whose resources were stripped by the Imperium, his hatred of the Imperium lead him to rebel against Sarpedon, leading to the Second Chapter War.
- Big Bad: For Chapter War.
- Bling of War: After the battle with the Howling Griffons, he starts wearing a suit of Artificer Armour.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Leader: Type III and IV.
- More Dakka: Takes a Storm Bolter after assuming the position of Chapter Master.
- New Meat
- Sergeant Rock: While a Scout-sergeant.
- Smug Snake: When in an alliance with Sarpedon's chapter.
- The Starscream
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Between Crimson Tears and Chapter War.
A Scout-sniper. Later made a Scout Sergeant.
- Cold Sniper
- Improbable Aiming Skills
- New Meat
- Off with His Head: Killed by Iktinos during the Second Chapter War.
- Sniper Rifle
A Soul Drinker scout and psyker who possesses precognitive abilities.
- New Meat
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Leaves with most of the Scouts after the events of the Second Chapter War.
- Seer
- Tarot Motifs: Uses the Emperor's Tarot to help his precognitive abilities.
- You Killed My Family: His family was purged in a witch hunt.
A Scout and psyker who was later recruited into the Librarium.
- The Atoner: Unlike the other Scouts, he remains with the Soul Drinkers after the Chapter War.
- Cast from Hit Points: Using his powers could end up killing him if he isn't careful.
- New Meat
- Playing with Fire: Possesses pyrokinesis.
- Slashed Throat
The legendary Philosopher-Soldier of the Soul Drinkers, having written the Catechisms Martial.
- Big Bad: He is the one who Iktinos has been serving.
- Badass Bookworm
- The Chessmaster
- Man in the Machine: Inside a Dreadnought
- Our Founder
- Power Fist: As a Dreadnought.
- Villainous Breakdown: Upon being ripped out of his Dreadnought form, Daenyathos begins losing his cool. Seeing that he's going to be dragged into the Warp, Daenyathos just begins screaming hysterically. Given what he can expect, this is fully justifiable.
Imperium of Man
An Archmagos of the Adeptus Mechanicus, responsible for the theft of the Soulspear and the Soul Drinkers turn from the Imperium. Later died after being exposed to a warp portal.
- For Science!
- Karmic Death: Killed after the Soulspear was stolen from him.
- Machine Worship
- Straw Vulcan: He makes decisions based upon logic but has a very hard time taking into account the Soul Drinkers' Honour Before Reason attitudes.
An Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus assigned to track the Soul Drinkers. Later discovered that there was dozens of cults which seem to worship the Soul Drinkers where they had never been. Killed by Merceano of the Howling Griffons.
- Badass Normal: One of the very few non-genetically enhanced, non-power armoured humans in the series to ever kill a Space Marine in close combat.
- Hero Antagonist: But not for long.
- Inspector Javert: Actually subverted. He eventually realizes that the Soul Drinkers are not Chaos Space Marines and tries to help them.
- It Was a Gift: His Autopistol.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- State Sec
Bernice Aescarion
A Sister Superior of the Adepta Sororitas serving under Thaddeus.
- An Axe to Grind
- Badass Normal: Able to keep up with the Space Marines.
- Church Militant
- Fearless Fool: Subverted. The enemy terrifies her, but her faith is stronger.
- Religious Bruiser: Her faith in the Emperor is absolute. Even a Daemon Prince cannot break it.
A Force Commander of the Crimson Fists who was given command of the Second Company to destroy the Soul Drinkers in Gravenhold. Lost the Company Standard, for which he went into Exile.
- Death Seeker
- Drop the Hammer
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- My Greatest Failure: Losing the Company Standard.
- Revenge Before Reason: So much that he sides with Iktinos's flock to destroy Sarpedon.
- Sanity Slippage: Between Crimson Tears and Phalanx he's suggested to have done horrific things in the name of survival, leaving him in a questionable state of mind. It only gets worse as the trial against the Soul Drinkers is extended with some even coming to their defence.
Chief Librarian of the Howling Griffons. Lead the taskforce charged with liberating Vanqualis.
- An Axe to Grind
- General Ripper
- I Gave My Word: All Howling Griffons are this, but Merceano takes this beyond the point of 40k's relatively loose definition of sanity.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Psychic Powers
Captain of the Howling Griffons Tenth Company. Lost a leg to Sarpedon.
- An Arm and a Leg: Sarpedon cut off his leg.
- BFS: Uses a Power Sword.
- The Captain
- Cyborg: Had multiple augmentics even before Sarpedon took his leg.
- It's Personal: With Sarpedon.
- You Keep Using That Word: Borgannor says that he's Captain of the Tenth Company and is treated like a full battle-company. In Codex Astartes compliant Chapters (which the Howling Griffons are, as they're Ultramarine successors) the Tenth Company is composed entirely of scouts.
The Archmagos of an Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Fleet in the Veiled Region. Allied with the Soul Drinkers but later betrayed them to the Imperial Fists.
- Rasputinian Death: Iktinos goes all out in trying to make sure he is dead.
- Machine Worship
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves
- We Have Reserves
Archon of the Kabal of the Burning Scale, notable for the fact that he has embraced Slaanesh's existence. Attempting to turn Entymion IV into a Daemon World so that he can ascend as a Daemon Prince.
- Aliens Are Bastards: He won't be changing the Soul Drinkers perception of aliens anytime soon.
- Big Bad: Of Crimson Tears
- Be Careful What You Wish For: He wanted to know the power of the Warp. He did. The hard way.
- Evil Overlord
Ork Warlord
The Warlord of the WAAAGH! invading Vanqualis.
- Big Bad: At first, though Eumenes surpasses him pretty quickly.
- Evil Overlord
- Hearing Voices: Believes that Gork and Mork are speaking to him.
- No Body Left Behind: Explodes thanks to a Howling Griffon grenade.
- Power Fist: Klaw, but still the same.
A Daemon Prince of Tzeentch who manipulated the Soul Drinkers.
- Big Bad: Of Soul Drinker. And forms a Big Bad Duumvirate with Daenyathos in Phalanx.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils
- Eye Scream: Courtesy of Luko.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: By Sarpedon with the Soulspear.
- Our Angels Are Different
- Villainous Breakdown: When he realizes he cannot break Aescarion's faith in the Emperor.
A mutant experiment of the Adeptus Mechanicus. In possession of a massive empire by the events of The Bleeding Chalice.
- Big Bad: Of The Bleeding Chalice.
- A God Am I: Has delusions of godhood while still in the test tubes.
- Evil Overlord
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Courtesy of Sarpedon's talons.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Plaguemaster
- Walking Wasteland