Sorcerer Stabber Orphen/Characters
This page lists tropes specific to characters of Sorcerer Stabber Orphen. Unless otherwise stated, this list pertains to how the characters are presented in the anime, and not necessarily the light novels.
The main group
Krylancelo Finrandi aka Orphen
Voiced by: Showtaro Morikubo (Japanese), David Matranga (English)
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- Heroic BSOD: When Hartia tells him about Azalie and Childman's Grand Theft Me.
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Love Martyr: Arguably, to Azalie - after learning what she has done.
- Magic Knight
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- That Man Is Dead: After he refuses to let go of Azalie!Bloody August and leaves the Tower.
"My name is not Krylancelo! FROM NOW ON, I'M ORPHEN!"
- Tragic Keepsake: Azalie's pendant
- Warrior Therapist: Specially seen when he deals with Brainwashed and Crazy!Majik via both speaking to him and beating the shit outta him.
Cleao Everlasting
Voiced by: Mayumi Iizuka (Japanese)
- Always Someone Better: She felt like this in regards to Stephanie.
- Bathing Beauty: She sees Orphen for the first time when she's taking a bath in the lake near to her village.
- Big Fancy House: The Everlasting mansion
- Boarding School: The action kicks off when she actually returns from there.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: Majik's, to a degree.
- Hot-Blooded
- It's All About Me: Can be kinda selfish sometimes, to say it politely. She mostly grows out of it with time, and later it's more or less Played for Laughs.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: The Sword of Baltanders is actually a gift from her Disappeared Dad, hence why she tags along: to make sure Orphen will give it back to her.
- The Ojou
- Plucky Girl: And holy shit, HOW. When she and her sister got kidnapped by Bloody August, Cleao attempted to save herself and Mariabelle almost without hesitation. It didn't work since, well, it was a girl against a dragon, but the thought does count.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Lycoris
- Tsundere
- Team Mom: Wants to be this very badly.
Majic Rin
Voiced by: Omi Minami (Japanese), Spike Spencer (English)
- Adorkable
- Brainwashed and Crazy: In Revenge
- Evil Costume Switch: Interestingly enough, it's his standart outfit in most part of the Haguretabi novels (except for the hat)
- Hero Worshipper
- We Can Rule Together: In Revenge, Esperanza offers to tutor him to unlock his potential as a sorcerer. Majik politely refuses, though... and he then gets Brainwashed and Crazy.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: In Revenge
Voiced by: Konami Yoshida (Japanese)
- Badass Adorable: A baby dragon with the shape of... a black little puppy.
- Killer Rabbit
- Our Dragons Are Different
The Tower Of Fangs
Childman Powderfield
Voiced by: Joji Nakata (Japanese)
- The Ace
- Badass Long Hair
- Grand Theft Me: Azalie uses White Magic on him, so she ends up in his body... and he becomes Bloody August. He offers little to no resistence, though, due to the guilt he feels in regards to her horrible condition.
- Poor Communication Kills
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Him and Azalie
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu (Japanese)
- Cain and Abel: Milder case with Orphen, as he is on the side of the Tower and not on Orphen's. He still cares for him, though, and tries to Take a Third Option. It HORRIBLY backfires.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: He's actually a pretty decent spellcaster, quirky and all.
- Butt Monkey: As "Black Tiger".
- Fanboy: Of a certain novel hero named the Black Tiger. He then dresses up as the Black Tiger and tries to assume the guise of its main character and namesake on occasion.
- He Knows Too Much: Not only he finds out what was going on with Childman!Azalie, but that Lai had become a Human Popsicle. Childman!Azalie almost kills him right there, and he barely escapes to Orphen and Co.'s side.
- Hey, You: Cleao and Majik never refer to him as Hartia, but as "the shrimp man". To be fair, at first they didn't know his name, but once they did it... well, it just stuck.
- The only two times Cleao called him by his given name happened in their Birds of a Feather scene and while speaking to Orphen about Blood August!Azalie.
- Large Ham: When dressed as the Black Tiger.
- Unrequited Love: A fairly strong case can be made for him being in love with Orphen since they were pre-teens. The strongest hint would be how he bonds with Cleao, the girl who loves Orphen, over their mutual thoughts on him.
Voiced by: Katsumi Toriumi (Japanese)
- He Knows Too Much: Was the fist one to discover the truth about Azalie being in Childman's body.
- Human Popsicle
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Seers: Crystal ball included.
- Stuffed Into the Fridge. Almost.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Azalie Caith Sith
Voiced by: Emi Shinohara (Japanese)
- Broken Ace: She was the most talented and beautiful witch from her generation... and see what happened to her.
- Broken Bird
- Dark Magical Girl
- Important Haircut: Chopped her long hair off when she started studying magic for real.
- Grand Theft Me: Happens late in the anime, due to being a Pragmatic Adaptation. Happens early on otherwise.
- Lady of Black Magic
- Love Makes You Evil: Oh, Childman, had you not rejected Azalie's love for you...
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Leticia "Tisha" Macready
Voiced by: Kotono Mitsuishi (Japanese)
- Boyish Short Hair: She's far more straightforward than the long-haired Fienna, and her hair is extremely short
- Butt Monkey
- Magical Girl Warrior
- Sarcastic Devotee: Yeah, she is Hartia's pupil, but she's among those who deal the snark the most to him. You would do it too if he made you wear silly fairy dresses, to be fair.
- Tsundere
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Majik
- Empty Shell: After she is Out-Gambitted and curb stomped by Childman!Azalie, she is seen sitting on a chair and... well, just being there.
- Smug Snake
- Woman in Black
Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese)
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas and Momma's Boy: AND HOW. Flameheart was a mere Smug Super of sorts, but once Shastanasi was an Empty Shell, he went HELL BENT in revenge.
- Smug Snake
Tristiny Everlasting
- Apron Matron
- Hair of Gold
- Widow Woman: Her husband aka Cleao and Mariabelle's dad died some years ago.
Mariabelle Everlasting
Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino
Voiced by: Sakiko Tamagawa (Japanese)
- Cool Big Sis
- Deal with the Devil: Had to do one against her will, with a demon who wanted to kill Orphen and threatened her with destroying her town if she didn't "help". Orphen notices and tries helping her to get free.
- Meganekko
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Her boyfriend Tim is a Nice Guy from her hometown.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Team Mom: She was Orphen's first companion, and she actually sorta coaches Cleao on how to take the torch as such.
- Transsexualism: A male to female one. She once was a male sorcerer called Stephan who suffered such serious injuries that her male biological body almost was torn apart. While in recovery, she asked the healers to turn said male body into a female one... and now she's Stephanie, and is very happy as a woman. Cleao and Majik are shocked when they find out, but Orphen is rather nonchalant about it.
Lycoris Nielsen aka Lycoris Reika.
Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (Japanese)
- Dojikko
- Driven to Suicide: Twice. First, when she realizes she's been Dead All Along. Second, to stop her family and friends from fighting to death.
- Fake Memories.
- Meganekko
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Cleao
Voiced by: Yui Horie (Japanese)
- Back from the Dead.
- Heroic Sacrifice.
- Friend to All Living Things: As the medium and priestess for a Dragon God.
- Mark of the Beast: Has one on her chest which symbolizes the pact with the Deep Dragon.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: She and Majic, since she can't leave her village or she will die.
- Proper Lady: A sweet and softspoken little girl... who actually manages to save Orphen from a really pissed off Deep Dragon's attacks.
Bloody August
- Eldritch Abomination
- Was Once a Man: Or better said, Was Once A Woman: Azalie. And later, Childman.
- Creepy Child
- Mega Twintails
- Perpetual Smiler: And when she doesn't smile... RUN. Not that it'll help you...
- Sleep Mode Size
Marco Reika
- Papa Wolf: VERY dark take on this, as to save his daughters from death he makes a Deal with the Devil with Escalena.
- Wizard Beard
Voiced by: Megumi Hayashibara (Japanese)
- Broken Bird: Lampshaded by Cleao
- Dark Magical Girl
- Dead All Along: She was the girl who truly died, not Lycoris.
- Evil Redhead: More like "throughly broken redhead"
- Forceful Kiss: Kisses Orphen on the lips to taunt him. And to hide what she truly wanted.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How she died, stabbed through the chest with Escalena's roots.
- Knight Templar Big Sister: To her beloved Lycoris
- Lady in Red
- Love Makes You Evil: For her adored little sister, Esperanza would kill and die. And she does.
- Undeath Always Ends.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Long skirt with deep slits and stockings version.
Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese)
Volkan and Dorchin
Voiced by: Hekiru Shiina (Dorchin, Japanese)
- All Trolls Are Different: Their race. And well, Volkan tries to troll Orphen more than once.
- The Chew Toy: AND HOW.
- Pet the Dog: They find an injured and almost dying Bloody August!Childman... and they actually befriend and take care of him.
- Ted Baxter: Volkan "The Great"