< Sonny
- Non Sequitur Scene: The Rockstar enemy in Zone 3 of the first game. What the hell is a rocker doing in a shamanic community?!? And he has the boss music, no less!
- Crowning Music of Awesome: And how.
- Demonic Spiders: This happens a few times, but Gregor the cockroach stands as the most prominent (aka most annoying) example.
- The Blood Hounds in Hew are extremely painful and pretty tough.
- Game Breaker: Biological class happens to have one when the player combines Predator Form, Toxicant Form, Shadow Blend, Crystallize, Agile Exposure, and most importantly, Withdrawal. Almost always kills the victim in one shot of Withdrawal.
- How the last boss was defeated by Biological: http://youtu.be/WvUhZaC8o70
- It is even listed on walkthroughs posted on the Armor Games page. http://cache.armorgames.com/community/thread/3143035/sonny-2-biological-speed-build
- Goddamned Bats: potentially almost any enemy on higher difficulty levels. The monsters have just as many tricky spells as you do, and even a pair of lowly prison guards can keep one of your characters stun-locked for the entire battle. And that's not getting into all the healing and ablative shields being thrown around...
- Narm: Parodied. See Ambiguously Gay above. Priests also deserve a mention.
- Roald's accent is sometimes hard to take seriously.
- And the first game's Magical Native American enemies.
"We, the elders, deem you dead."
- Nightmare Fuel: Some of the skill descriptions for a Shadow Psychological can be this.
- That One Boss: Baron Brixius, in both games. In Sonny 1, only your Guest Star Party Member can do enough damage to get the Baron's HP down to 0 in anywhere under 100 turns, which means that Sonny and Veradux are pretty much stuck with the jobs of keeping him healthy and helping him do even more damage. Then you get Player Punched when said Guest Star Party Member becomes the Final Boss in the very next fight. The Baron is even worse in Sonny 2. First of all, you don't get a Guest Star Party Member to help you. Furthermore, the Baron has some very annoying new tricks. First and foremost among these is Tick Tock, a debuff which lasts for 10 turns, takes away 10% of the victim's life every turn, and reduces all healing done to them by 50%. And it can't be dispelled. And just to make this worse, Baron Brixius loves to use it as much as he can... which is about every 6 turns. And he has just as much health as he did the last time (48,269... and that's in the easy mode.) Your only hope is to whittle down Baron Brixius's Focus to near nothing in order to force him to use Deep Burning, a move which fully restores his Focus at the cost of about 10% of his life. And once he can no longer use Deep Burning, he starts wasting his turns with actions which do nothing but weaken him. Good luck pushing him to that point, though - unless you've maxed out Disrupt (a move that you can only get with the Biological class,) you'll need it. [1]
- On the other hand, if you have maxed out Disrupt, and have Integrity at at least level 2, Baron Brixius is a total joke. Put it on your action bar 4 times, use it nonstop, and watch the Baron eat himself alive.
- The Psychological class can also handle the Baron pretty well, as Traumatize strips away his focus and Implosion vastly increases the damage he takes from Deep Burning.
- The Hydraulic class has Regulate, a no-cost, no-cooldown ability that kills 30 focus per hit.
- The Biological class has Disrupt in the second game as well, capable of killing 100 focus with one hit.
- Sometimes Brixius will get bored of repeatedly casting Tick Tock on you and your teammates and will inflict it upon himself.
- ↑ Oh, and just to insult you, Baron Brixius is
practically the epitome of Ambiguously Gayan imitation of Tim Curry (same difference). Who the hell is his voice actor?!?!?
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