< Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Unleashed/YMMV

  • 8.8: IGN and Gamespot gave Sonic Unleashed for the Xbox 360 a 4.5 and 3.5, respectively. Gamespot's score is an especially sore point, as it gave the generally horrible Sonic 2006 a 4.0. The "inferior" Playstation 2/Wii version (by Dimps of Sonic Rush fame), however, averaged 7.1.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Sonic is pretty mellow about Eggman completely beating him and his nightly transformations. Maybe beating down pieces of a Cosmic Horror is a great stress reliever?
  • Best Level Ever: the general consensus for either version seems to be Rooftop Run Day.
  • Breather Boss: Egg Dragoon, set after Eggmanland.
  • Broken Base: Do yourself a favor, don't ask the online fanbase if this game is good or not. Another point of contention is Wii/PS2 version versus the PS3/360 version, with fans of the former generally citing more balanced level design and no medal-hunting and fans of the latter disliking the Wii/PS2 version for oversimplified gameplay and a lower daytime to nighttime ratio.
  • Critical Dissonance: While the HD version of the game got lower scores in average than the SD version, the fans thought the opposite.
    • Also, quite a bit of fans believe the whole game was good while the critics say it was bad. May or may not overlap with Critical Backlash.
  • Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: Guess how many of the people who complain about this game have actually tried more than ten minutes of it.
  • Demonic Spiders: Dark Titans (incredibly powerful and can stunlock Sonic to death), Killer Bees (incredibly hard to hit and ridiculously damaging), and Fire Masters (need to be put out with a water barrel, otherwise just touching them will set you on fire).
  • Ear Worm: The intro to the Werehog battle theme, which will play over and over again for every scrap you get into as the Werehog. Da-da-DAH da DAH daaa da-da-DAAAAAAAHHHH DAH!
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: SA-55 - The character appears alongside Eggman again in Sonic Colors as Orbot, and is joined by a second robot, called Cubot (Hint: He's shaped like a cube.)
  • Fan Nickname: Werehog for Sonic's lycanthrope form, until Sega adopted it as the official term. People also call Orbot (Eggman's assistant mini-robot) "Ergo," because it keeps using that word.
  • Game Breaker: At least for Werehog stages in the HD version, once the player unlocks a certain move (Dash + Jump + Straight attack), there is really no fight in the game that will give him/her any trouble. It hits harder than the average attack and has massive knockback and hitstun. To put this in perspective, it stuns Dark Titans out of any of their attacks except the jump shockwave.
    • The Wii/PS2 version doesn't even take as long to obtain the game-breaker, as your dash attack is all you'll really need in most fights.
  • Goddamned Bats: Fittingly, the Electric Bat and Dark Bat Sniper enemies (in contrast to their Helpful Mook relative). Also, enemies like Frights and Rexes can be annoying in large numbers. Let's just say the vast majority of the mooks in this game basically fit this trope, when it comes to the werehog levels anyway.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Not a bug per se, but traveling salesman Wentos can be exploited for nearly infinite rings, cutting the level grinding time required to unlock special moves considerably.
  • Guide Dang It: In the Wii/PS2 version, unlocking the last Chun-nan day mission requires you to collect 150 secret items. And what's even worse, unlocking the last Adabat mission requires you to collect all of them!
  • He Really Can Act: Jason Griffith, after years of criticism of his Sonic voice, demonstrates the ability to actually be a fairly emotional Sonic. A pity that the game that he got his act together was also the last main platformer where he voices Sonic.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: There was an episode of Timon and Pumbaa where Pumbaa was succombing to "the curse of the werehog." Fast forward to 2008...
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Most people play this game for the daytime stages.
  • Memetic Mutation: This face. [dead link]
  • Most Annoying Sound: Sonic's "whoo"s in either version when you use the boost, although arguably more notable in the Wii/Playstation 2 version since you can't extend the boost by holding the button, and thus have to press boost more often.
    • Werehog. Battle. Theme. A decent piece of music in and of itself, but you will hear it so many times...
  • Nintendo Hard: The Playstation 3/Xbox 360 non-story Acts, and Eggmanland. The Day rankings can also be soul crushingly brutal.
  • Padding:
    • Word of God has it that the Werehog was added, among other things, to increase the length of the game, a job it is a bit too good at (a typical Werehog level is about three times the duration of a Sonic level). There are also segments near the end of the HD versions where a typical player will probably have to go out and grind for Sun or Moon Medals in order to unlock the next stage. 120 Sun Medals to unlock daytime Jungle Joyride? Ouch.
    • This is also present in the Wii/PS2 version, where (after beating the game) players may need to grind for medals in order to unlock Gaia Gate puzzles, which will allow them to unlock extra levels.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Many have complained about how Quick Time Events are overused.
  • Surprise Difficulty: Make no mistake, people, this game will rip you several new ones if you get careless.
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel: It is usually agreed that this game is miles above some of its 3D predecessors.
  • Squick: Perfect Dark Gaia. He opens his mouth and seven freakishly huge eyes come out, as well as two pairs of arms that literally rip through the skin of his body and make a bloody mess. You eventually defeat him... by ramming said eye. Blergh.
  • That One Level: Eggmanland.
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