Sonic R

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"Everybody's Super Sonic Racing, try to keep your feet right on the ground..."

Sonic R is a racing game from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise released in 1997 for the Sega Saturn and later for the PC. In 2005 it was re-released on the Game Cube and PlayStation 2 as part of Sonic Gems Collection, which featured the PC version of the game. It was also made available for download on GameTap for a short time in 2007.

Known for its power pop musical track by Richard Jaques and songs performed by T.J Davis. Notable in the fact that the PC and Saturn versions of the game could be played in any standard CD Player, in case you wanted to listen to the music without having to play the actual game.

Compare Sonic Drift, Sonic Riders and Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing.

Tropes used in Sonic R include:
  • The Alleged Car: Amy's car
  • Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: Radiant Emerald
  • Beam Me Up, Scotty / Refrain From Assuming: Tails Doll is found in Radical City, therefore, his theme is "Living in The City", not "Can You Feel The Sunshine".
  • Canon Foreigner: Tails Doll and Metal Knuckles never reappear in any other game. Metal Knuckles got an Expy in Sonic Advance and Tails Doll recently appeared in the Archie Sonic comic.
  • Casino Park: There's a small part of this in Radical City.
  • Excuse Plot: It's only referenced to in the manual, but not in the games. The game is just a straight forward racing, with no story mode or attempt to make a story.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Though the manual makes an admirable effort to pass it off as an evil plot.
  • Joke Character: The Tails Doll. A profile of him at the Sonic Channel website states that after creating Metal Sonic and Metal Knuckles, Eggman didn't really put any effort in creating him. It's just a doll that can float around. The fans think differently, though.
  • Love Is a Drug: Most of the soundtrack.
  • No Ending: Besides A Winner Is You pics, nothing ever comes off the manual's plot.
  • Palmtree Panic: Resort Island.
  • Promoted to Unlockable: Eggman/Dr. Robotnik, who you can unlock by beating the game.
  • The Psycho Rangers: Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles and the Tails Doll. EggRobo is in this game too.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: The Robot bosses who are unlocked by finding the tokens hidden in the stages.
  • Secret Character: There's Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, Doll Tails, EggRobo, and Super Sonic, the last of who you unlock by collecting all the Chaos Emeralds.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: Most egregiously, Can You Feel The Sunshine will play no matter what the weather is like.
  • Theme Naming: Every course name stars with R.
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